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Will a new charter school make the grade? Flurry of new charter approvals raises questions

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Liberty Belle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-06-10 04:59 AM
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Will a new charter school make the grade? Flurry of new charter approvals raises questions
Source: East County Magazine

August 5, 2010 (San Diego’s East County) – In the 2009-2010 school year, California approved more than 88 new charter schools at a cost of tens of millions of dollars. Recent charters approved include middle schools opening in districts that already have schools with high academic achievements--new charters with oversight provided by a district with middle school test scores that rank in the bottom 10% statewide.

These findings, discovered by East County Magazine, raise serious questions about budget priorities at a time when the state faces a $20 billion deficit. What are the long-range consequences of approving numerous charters, all entitled to a portion of public education funds?


College Prep Middle School, a new state-funded charter school opening in La Mesa this September in a Church of Christ basement, has drawn praise from some but raised concerns among others. The school is founded by a former school principal and school psychologist with high hopes and solid administrative experience, but no track record running a charter school. CPMS obtained its charter not through the La Mesa-Spring Valley District in which it is located—a district with high-performing schools. Instead, oversight will be provided by Mountain Empire School District—a district that is closing down its only middle school due to standardized achievement test scores that ranked in the lowest 10% statewide. Mountain Empire is opening several additional charter schools outside its district boundaries, ECM has learned.

Questions raised by our investigation of charter schools include:

• Should a school district that is closing its middle school due to poor test score be allowed to provide oversight of multiple new charter schools in other districts?
• Should the state approve a new charter run by educators with no track records in operating a charter school--in a district where the public schools have high scores on standardized achievement tests?
• Is it wrong for taxpayers to fund millions of dollars for numerous new charter schools at a time when California budget cuts have slashed funds for public schools and cut services for the elderly, poor and disabled?
• Are state budget cuts encouraging cash-strapped districts to approve charters for financial reasons?
• Is it appropriate for a publicly funded charter school to operate in a church?
• Should parents of public school students be concerned about a trend toward privatizing public education?
• What are the implications for teachers’ unions and are standards for teachers in charter schools adequate to protect students?

Read more:

I found it frustrating calling various state officials for this story, none of whom seemed to have a problem with handing out new charter school grants like candy despite the fact that our state has a $20 billion budget surplus -- so much of a gap that the Governor wants to eliminate the Cal-Works program, students are paying jacked up tuition fees and public schools are laying off teachers and having to increase class sizes. While there is some effort afoot to make existing charters more accountable, nobody seems to think we need to give them more scrutiny BEFORE they open.

It's also troubling that many charters are opening in churches--and it's perfectly legal to use state funds to remodel a church property for your charter school (though this church is using its own funds to remodel a basement for the school). The pastor even offered to make the interior of the sanctuary "less churchy" so kids can play in there on rainy days!

Please feel free to post comments on our website, to encourage more community dialogue on this important issue. It's part of a national trend that I find very troubling.
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jody Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-06-10 06:51 AM
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1. Article begins "88 new charter schools at a cost of tens of millions of dollars" but does not show
Edited on Fri Aug-06-10 06:54 AM by jody
how those "tens of millions of dollars" is derived nor acknowledge that CA charter schools receive $7,034 in public funds per student, 69% of the $10,264 in public funds received by traditional public schools.

Charter schools have problems and potential and so do traditional public schools.

ON EDIT ADD: "Will old traditional public schools make the grade?"
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