Edited on Fri Aug-06-10 06:47 AM by RandomThoughts
Top down development is always a good method, while using encapsulation of component ideas.
Start with a basic concept of what is best in your view or what you want to accomplish.
Then find the different parts required to do that, and break them into small parts that are contained with as few interconnections with other things, and think on those things as best you can, while noting anything that could have effects outside that object. Those things are interfaces to other objects.
So if you are talking about economics with someone, don't bounce around between huge areas of ideas of economics, start with the basic philosophical goals, and what is best. And most times that is actually the area that people disagree on, even if they don't admit it.
Then find sections and subsections within that, like unemployment and jobs, think on concepts of how jobs are created without diverging into NAFTA, and immigration. But note that there are interfaces there. Or when talking about trade, again start with a top level goal, and try to find effects and how actions can influence the decisions on things like tariffs and free trade.
But honestly, and I don't know if many people know this, much of the lower level details really don't matter in discussions because the two sides never resolve the issue of the higher level goals.
For example, If someone believes people need to suffer to weed out undesirables, and another person thinks on helping people in difficult situations, the details will never coincide since the basic concepts of intent and goals are different.
And that is much of the difference in views, although if you are talking with your own group you can many times reach same ideas and move into the detail components.
So for example, If the goal is to create jobs, you first have to agree that creating jobs is a good thing. It is possible some might not want that either for politics, or for survival of the fittest thinning out populations. If they disagree, then you have to go through all the conversations on ideas of some people thinking in terms of being special, and should it be also about many people or just ones self. If you can get past that then you can have a discussion on jobs.
What happens many times is people skip the top level and try to discuss jobs while one side is trying to make money for a few people, and another side is trying to help many people, making it not much of a conversation.
There are also some top level thoughts on if it is good to increase jobs in third world countries or at home, that can cause issues on discussions of outsourcing, but again top level goal is important since some just like outsourcing for profit and use the excuse that it helps other to rationalize that top level idea of profit first. So again, you have to work through what the intent of the action is.
But if you do agree, you can then go to component like 'demand' and think on how demand is created, and how demand effects need for jobs. And components like how different methods of job creations effects peoples views and happiness, and areas of where job creation can add to other components of society(interfaces) like green jobs or education jobs.
Anyways that is what I try to do when I actually spend time thinking on topics.