Kentucky Fried KandaharThe end of an era came quietly, with a paper notice on the window where thousands of NATO soldiers had lined up for cappuccinos and Canada’s favorite donuts.
Tim Hortons on the Kandahar Air Base boardwalk, overlooking the Canadian-built hockey rink, closed on Saturday.
In many ways, Tim Hortons was the last casualty of an order imposed earlier this year by (now retired) US Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal to close fast food joints at NATO bases across Afghanistan.
“This is a war zone -- not an amusement park,” Command Sergeant Major Michael T. Hall wrote at the time on an ISAF blog.
The order led to the closure of some fast food chains at the Kandahar base, but others on the boardwalk (like Tim Hortons) escaped the wrath of McChrystal because they did not explicitly fall under his control.