Feinstein should be ashamed of herself for spreading right wing lies about the impact of legal cannabis. She apparently thinks that the laws that exist are not enough to deal with cannabis, even tho they are already in place to deal with other substances that are limited to use by adults with restrictions on activities such as driving.
She claims legalized will make people "less safe."
How will taking away the reason for drug cartels to set up business in the U.S. make us less safe? What precedent do we have in history that illustrates this point? We, in fact, have an example from history that illustrates she is lying. Prohibition created criminal gangs. The repeal of prohibition moved alcohol to a regulated industry that created safer production standards, safer access and less crime.
As far as health issues:
According to a 2009 report by the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse, health-related costs per user are eight times higher for drinkers than they are for those who use cannabis and are more than 40 times higher for tobacco smokers. It states, "In terms of (health-related) costs per user: tobacco-related health costs are over $800 per user, alcohol-related health costs are much lower at $165 per user, and cannabis-related health costs are the lowest at $20 per user."
A previous analysis commissioned by the World Health Organization agreed, stating, "On existing patterns of use, cannabis poses a much less serious public health problem than is currently posed by alcohol and tobacco in Western societies."
So then why are we so worried about adults consuming it in the privacy of their own home?
California lawmakers criminalized the possession and use of marijuana in 1913 -- a full 24 years before the federal government enacted prohibition. Yet right now in California, the federal government reports that one out of 10 people annually use marijuana and together consume about 1.2 million pounds of it. Self-evidently, cannabis is here to stay. Let's address this reality and stop ceding control of this market to unregulated, untaxed criminal enterprises and put it in the hands of licensed businesses. Proposition 19 is a first step in this direction. If you live in California, please help get out the vote for Prop. 19. Your actions could change the course of American history for the better. Help create a better world.