King compares Democrats to man who sent Christ to death
An editorial written by U.S. Rep. Steve King disrespectfully compares Democrats to the Roman leader that presided over the trail and crucifixion of Jesus Christ, his challenger said today.
“There are many Democrats whose Christian faith is important to them, including me, and King’s comments are highly offensive and objectionable,” said Matt Campbell a Democrat from Manning who is challenging King. “It is offensive in the highest degree and is further evidence Steve King is unfit to serve further as a representative of Iowa in Congress.”
King, a Republican, wrote an editorial published this week by the Renewing American Leadership organization, a religiously-based political group, where he asked if “Democrats really relish the idea of being cast as Pontius Pilate” in relationship to their support for immigration reform.
For instance, do the Democrats really relish the idea of being cast as Pontius Pilate? In seeking to grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants at a time when unemployment rates are already unacceptably high, can’t the Democrats be said to be “washing their hands” of the negative consequences their economic policies have wrought?
I think so. And the last time I checked my Bible, Pontius Pilate was regarded as anything but a hero.
Here is a snip of his bizarro political/religious rant:...
Think about it: what was the basic idea that the Democrats who organized this hearing hoped to prove? It was the notion that the only Biblically-acceptable immigration policy is open borders.
Is that true? It certainly doesn’t sound like any version of the Holy Scripture that I’ve read. It certainly doesn’t sound like any version of the scriptures the Israelis (who have built a border security fence and have an active deportation program) have read. And I’m confident it doesn’t match up with your own church’s teachings either.
How could it? The Bible is very clear not only on the subject of borders, but also on the importance of obeying the Rule of Law. Since the Democrats at the hearing greeted these two points with silence, I can only assume that they regarded the following passages of the Bible as “inconvenient truths.”
For example, take Deuteronomy 32:8. That passage reads: “When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance, when he divided mankind, he fixed the borders of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God.” How can that possibly be read as an invitation to believe that God remains neutral on the subject of borders? It can’t be. Neither can the passage in Acts 17:26 which says that “God made all nations who live on earth, and he decided when and where every nation would be.” Perhaps this explains why the Democrats at the hearing ignored both passages.
Or how about Jesus’ teaching to Matthew that one should “therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” That is a clear directive to Christ’s followers to respect the rule of man-made law in secular, as opposed to spiritual, settings. Rewarding illegal immigrants with amnesty clearly violates this provision, as it can not possibly be argued that rewarding illegal immigrants for their lawbreaking promotes a respect for man-made immigration laws. Again, the Democrats’ silence on this passage speaks volumes.
... and :banghead:
There is a good chance Iowa will lose a House Representative after the census is completed. Please, please, please let it be this asshat.