Tabloid gallantly rescued a donkey forced to parachute over a beach. But the Sun apparently doesn't know its donkeysTom Parfitt in Moscow, Friday August 6 2010 17.26 BST
Manya (not Anapka) is flown over a Black Sea beach last month,
in an advertising stunt that angered animal rights supporters.
Photograph: Taman News/AFP
A Russian businessman has made an ass out of the Sun, according to reports in Moscow.
Two weeks ago the British red-top splashed on news that it had rescued the pitiful Russian donkey who made headlines worldwide when a tour operator forced her to parasail over a beach on the Black Sea.
In classic Sun style, the newspaper followed up with a string of stories recounting how it had whisked the beast, named Anapka, away from its wicked owner. Anapka has since been pictured at an elite Kremlin stables where she is getting massages, eating organic carrots and looking "ass-stonishingly healthy".
But Russia's own tabloid press said today there was just one hitch: it's the wrong donkey.
While Anapka "lives it up at the Kremlin riding school, getting hot baths, being rubbed with creams and taken to the solarium, it turns out it's all for nothing," the Komsomolskaya Pravda daily noted gleefully.
The real four-legged victim, it said, was a donkey called Manya, and she remains by the Black Sea while Anapka – a fake, sold to the Sun for 70,000 roubles (£1,500) – revels in luxury.
Full article:">The Sun's Russian donkey saga: full coverage :rofl: