So are quite a few other political figures such as Sarah Palin, Gary North, Jim DeMint, Gary Bauer, etc. Every voter should be familiar with this sinister movement. From this article, , a good definition is presented:
"The goal is to return America to its Biblical foundations “from Genesis to Revelation” (a postmillennial reading of Revelation, which holds that the Second Coming will occur after an era of Christian dominance)."
Essentially the goal of Christian Reconstructionists is to completely infiltrate the American political scene from the top to the bottom: local school boards, zoning commissions, city councils, mayor's office, state legislatures, governorships all the way to DC and into the White House. There is also a solid network of PACs/lobbyists who regularly meet with political figures in order to spread their influence on bills and appointments to bench positions.
Some of these people are extremely wacky such as Sharron Angle, Michele Bachmann and Palin and say some pretty outrageous things. Others are more low-key but constantly planning their next move. Is this a conspiracy? Yes, I believe it does fit that description. Christian Reconstructionists believe that God has called them to their political positions and they are to use it to bring about God's kingdom and God's laws into our every day lives. They want the Bible and 10 Commandments to be prominently displayed in courtrooms everywhere and used for sentencing purposes; they believe in a "Gay Agenda", that Satan is somehow using the fabulous in nefarious ways to take over our country. They also believe in mixing their beliefs with every single thing they do in life including secular office, and expecting others to support them in this. To not support them is to go against God's will for bringing His kingdom to Earth.
I posted this link from Mother Jones earlier and someone asked if it could be posted in a separate thread; it's a long read but totally worth it and also doing more research. These people are not your everyday Christians; they truly believe that there is no room for anyone else's voice except for theirs (which is "God's voice").