"WASHINGTON — Nearly a dozen current or former lawmakers have been honored by university endowments financed in part by corporations with business before Congress..."
"And an endowment at the University of Louisville intended as a tribute to Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican minority leader, has received hundreds of thousands of dollars from a military contractor that later got a $12 million earmark sponsored by the senator.
Companies and lawmakers defend the donations as simply contributions to a good cause, but critics charge that they are a way for businesses to influence lawmakers in addition to campaign contributions, and without the limits or required disclosures. "
The current system is such fucking bullshit. Almost all of these scumbags are up for auction. When will the people wake up and demand tax payer funded elections?????????
How many more Meg $100M Whitman and Rick $40M Scott campaigns do we have to watch before people demand a change to the broke fucking corrupt system we have ?