I stumbled upon a thread I posted right before the Denver Convention which nominated Obama and Biden.
Everyone was speculating over who would be Obama's VP pick. I heard, apparently before anyone else on DU, and definitely before it was announced, and got roundly thrashed for it. I didn't reveal my source because it would have gotten both my family member who heard it, as well as the people who accidentally leaked it, into some potentially very hot water. That's not what DU is for, so I let myself get trampled upon, and said nothing about where I heard it.
Without busting people by name, a very close relative of mine who looked very young, but was in fact 18 years old, took swimming training every morning at a pool favored by the staff of several members of Congress. Two Biden staffers, who probably thought that my family member was an 11 year old kid, possibly a foreigner (he has Asian features) and no danger, were excitedly discussing that Biden had indeed been notified that he was Obama's choice for VP, and the announcement would come late that day or the next. They thought no one "of consequence" had overheard them, but of course, the silent little guy they thought was some 11 year old Asian kid was a college age, very politically savvy 18 year old American, and he was my source.
It was a difficult call as to whether or not to post, as it was bound to be dissed as a rumor and nothing else, and if I couldn't reveal my source (how do you provide a link to THAT?), then it could be nothing more than speculative BS. But posting details might have gotten Biden's people fired, and there's no way a DU post was going to be the cause of that.
I posted it anyway, and it got dissed as nothing more than speculative BS. Probably 99% of the time posts like that ARE speculative BS. Who knows, maybe I should have kept it to myself?
Just remember--it's not always speculative BS. Like Ben Gurion said, he who does not believe in miracles is not a realist.