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Thanx fly, for suggesting I post this subpost as a standalone, originally posted

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
ooglymoogly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-07-10 12:49 PM
Original message
Thanx fly, for suggesting I post this subpost as a standalone, originally posted
Edited on Sat Aug-07-10 01:23 PM by ooglymoogly
on the closing of Camden Library OP by robien, thinking it probably would not be read.

with a few clarifying changes, finishing of thoughts and some typo corrections.

Warning long rant....Just needed to write my feelings down on what we are losing and what we have already lost.

and so it begins.

This is the tragic face of the disgrace, Reagan, Bush et al and the obscene 1+% who have this country in a chokehold and what they have damned this country to.

Free libraries are the last bastion of learning of a civilized society. To not fund them above almost anything else is total and willful ignorance bordering self destruction.

This is not class warfare.

These trailer park trash thugs have no class, no matter with what absurd pretensions they surround themselves;

This is blatant warfare, using unchecked theft as a weapon; And the wholesale theft of it; Warfare against the middle classes to steal everything they have got; By every means possible. By phony wars, blatant government welfare to the rich, amounting to trillions; Back room deals that are a veritable Tzun Tzu on how to transfer the wealth of a nation without trace, into the hands of thugs and warlords; And by the most convoluted attempt at logic, make us think we have just been given life itself and have just inherited the earth without realizing we are bereft of whatever fortune we once had.

That is not a class struggle; It is an Orwellian nightmare; A plain and simple robbery.

Occam's razor would be looking into the soulless eyes of a mafia cabal of the worlds most ruthless and parasitic dons who are capable of anything the most Machiavellian mind can conj ur; And that is the worst insult I can throw at the mafia.

It is a money and its theft from everyone else struggle; By a minuscule 1+% of the population who are bullys and thugs, stealing another 90% of us of our property and resources in broad daylight; while being protected from prosecution by our own crooked gubmunt and an equally Orwellian "Justice" dept.

The Guillotine is too kind for these thugs, vampires and parasites. They have blithely and blindly destroyed this nation with a few hillbilly, corn pone platitudes, a scratch of the ass and a fart;

Spilling oceans of blood, destroying the most vital population to the success of a country; Its middle class; For nothing less than a megalomaniac insanity, criminal, bumfuck greed;
Murdering millions for a fist full of dollars and a battleship of power, rizing on the ephemeral tides of chaos, swelling to deadly tsunamis, created solely to hide the colossal theft.

These fucks are no less insane than Hitler, but by unchecked trial and error, far more dangerous.

The difference? Hitler et al got held accountable by an angry world justice wielding pitchforks and torches; Making the healing of the world, from the colossal damage caused, one of a proud peoples justice with honor.

But now his legacy and its insane megalomania, embodied by that very same 1% that infects this country with its very own malignancy; Thugs who have stolen, murdered, assassinated, bribed and cheated their way to the top of the money rackets and crooked banking houses; And though their crimes and treasons are well known and well documented by mountains of evidence, are NOT being held accountable as was Hitler and his thugs, but instead carefully protected with the silliest of platitudes, lowering whatever honor left to this country to into a dark abyss;

And that "non prosecution" my friends is the most volatile fuel to the fires of our demise.

I don't suspect anybody has read this far, if any have even bothered. So I will ramble on in a much needed catharsis.

These thugs, the usual suspects, throughout history, who are shitting all over everything that ever made any progress or that which made any civilization great; And that which made this country the beacon of the world; Here calling its theft "trickle down economics"; While ruthlessly stealing everything in site in the fog of its clumsy dust tracks.

Then criminally indemnifying themselves by an obvious takeover of our, never perfect, but none the less, once fine government, that watched out for the folks they govern;

You know; Government of the people, by the people and for the people, now DOA from 50 some odd years of an unrelenting, assault on it by these same greedy, selfish, fascist thugs; To stop it dead in its tracks from any further progress, that might shine a bight light on the darkness under the rocks.

This is not class warfare;

These pimps, thugs and murdering whores have no class...It is thug warfare and money and power are its crack. A mafia cabal without the slightest understanding of what class really means, is what we are up against.

Old money democrats gladly contribute their fair share to the system that has given them so much, without complaint when tax tallies are fair, even when it was 90%...and I do not mean any of the raiding pugs, boom and bust banking houses, avoiding even the slightest tax penalty to their theft, that are the beginning model for the thuggery of turning nothing into vast fortunes with slight of hand, at everybody else's expense.

An order of thieves that now grandly calls itself the Orwellian, Republican party;

Also not so, the Dino's Bluedogs, DLCe'r and pugs, the raiding banking houses who down through the history of this country did, until FDR; And for as long as his proud legacy stood, robbing in boom and bust cycles, periodically bringing this country to its knees, then cynically, consolidating its theft, to wait until the country pulled itself up by the bootstraps and once again begin the theft all over again, and who, no matter what pretentious mc mansions they live in, are all the same trailer park trash thugs leading this country to the slaughter;

New money, Bill Gates et al, are an easily led part of that blind, short sighted cabal, needing desperately to be accepted, not having a clue, they are fucking the wrong leg.

When I was a child the library was only a half block away in a small park that like many libraries was built with old money and donated to the city. It was my refuge from dysfunction.

I was proud of the old mansion that stood as our towns library; That fed my mind and was free to anybody looking for knowledge and all there had my respect and everyone respected each other;...A democratic place.

The Library was that era's free internet. Then too, was the end of an era where everybody played their part; A not always perfect harmony brought to us by old money FDR that lasted as long as his ideas held sway, some 50 years or more till the pugs began dismantling his proud legacy, one destruction at a time, until what is left is in jeopardy.

An innocent era that was ripe and plump for pikkin but the crooks were held at bay by what FDR wrought; That a decade later; So it began; With the assassination of a president, the assassination of innocence and the subsequent end, of all that seemed to me good about this country.

Fairness began its long slide into the hell of today's greedy and crooked authoritarian "gubmunt".

Now, both libraries and the internet are in danger from these ruthless thugs.

I was taught by our, now castrated, constitution that "all men are created equal" and by the gravitas of that magnificent proclamation I knew it to be true along with all the rest of the wisdom embodied there.

And so the constitution is my religion as it must be for any American citizen; It is a fragile religion that must be protected by the arms of Hercules, the legions of its followers who must always be on guard against the relentless slings and arrows aimed at its heart.

My religion is under siege and as I have said, lo these many years I have been here, I will fight anyone with all I have got, who conveniently and perhaps just for the moment disrespects that religion or carelessly knocks out a block of its foundation to see if there will be any blowback, or breaks its covenants for a moments gain, comfort or far richt vote, while weakening and sullying the profoundness embodied in that religion;

This religion is not, by any means, a new religion.

The man we call Jesus and men like him of life and of many religions, before and after, have defined the difference between good and evil and men of conscience take heed;

And so it is embodied in our self correcting constitution; As it was meant to be a work in progress; Correcting the mistakes forced on it even at its beginning, by the same ruthless forces, still relentlessly trying to destroy it today.

Those who condone such, whether it be O, who treats the constitution he is sworn to uphold, as a convenience, or not, whichever way the wind is blows, breaking its covenants at will and hacking at its foundations, or any Dem for that matter, and of course the pugs, have become my enemies for whom I have absolutely no tolerance or respect, and their posts here condoning or enabling any of these actions against that religion, will be be fought with all the anger they deserve and all the snark and damning, I can muster.

The teachings we attribute to the man we call Jesus and others like him wrote our constitution long before our founding fathers ever existed...and both, one after the other are based on the most basic tenants of fairness.

"Our" gubmunt, the house of cards that exists today, is nothing but a whorehouse of ruthless thugs calling themselves; And are called; Republicans, Dino's DLC'ers and Bluedogs who cynically and bit by bit, are relentlessly trying to destroy our vital constitution that is the vital organs of our civilization.

Without the constitution and any means to fight for it; The foundations of our government are gone...and with it the protections guaranteed by it; Up in smoke and the fog of war and its ensuing chaos.

For those of us who understand what the constitution means to this country, understand that none of it can be forgotten or its laws not followed, also must understand that the non prosecution of the treasons against it by the last admin are not acceptable to an honorable people; That any law so blatantly broken means all laws can and will be broken at the whim of any leader of government or powerful person; Rendering the constitution null and void and meaningless...and we become a fascist state where the laws are non existent for the privileged and very draconian for the many.

It is time for these legions to make an unequivocal stand.

The time has come for a serious revolution based primarily on the trashing of the constitution that is vital to our freedom, the mainstay of this civilization.

The first phase; By non violent resistance to those we know to be responsible; A very loud vote, by boycott, by phone, by strike, by gathering, by letter by internet, by any and every means left to us. As that opportunity is fast evaporating in the fog of wars and blatant theft, we cannot long sustain.

These are the same dumb forces common sense and progress have been fighting and guarding against, down through the ages.

This is not a new thing to them to obstruct, it is a dyed in the wool thing, to protect their god given right to rob everyone else blind.

Change does not benefit the bigoted, the stupid, the bullies, those without a hint or even the slightest understanding of class.

No, this is NOT class war; Except in the sense that these are ruthless bullying thugs, waring against those with true class, those who understand the basic tenants of fairness and who have learned to walk the walk. Things taught to us by our constitution: That an injustice to one of us is an injustice to us all.

And so good night sweet prince.....
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daleanime Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-07-10 12:59 PM
Response to Original message
1. .....
:applause: :yourock:
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Curmudgeoness Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-07-10 01:06 PM
Response to Original message
2. So, tell me, are you mad?
I can see that it is not just libraries closing that has you upset, but the world we are living in. Calm down a little. Let's think this though. We will not change everything, and the powers that be will continue to dump on us. But we don't have to just sit here and take it. Fight for the library, fundraise for the library, go door to door at homes and businesses to get support. We are capable of making change ourselves in our own ways. Don't get discouraged, and don't get mad---get moving.
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ooglymoogly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-07-10 02:28 PM
Response to Reply #2
6. Yes
but then it is a mad mad world....I know, not your intent, but couldn,t resist....More to the point. I do more than I can afford to get out the word and fund those fighting our cause. Secondly I meant and believe strongly, what I said about Library's being a first priority,

For neighborhoods that can, your point is well taken. For those that can't, Our government, which is supposed to be ground central for we the people, and as such, must not leave the fate of our libraries that are vital to our wellbeing as a civilized country, to the kindness of strangers.
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Curmudgeoness Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-07-10 02:53 PM
Response to Reply #6
7. I often think that depending on the "kindness of strangers" will
get us further than depending on the frivolity of government. I agree with you (which is why I read your rant to the end) that libraries are exceedingly important. I volunteer at the library. If I want to read any book that they do not have, I buy it for the library instead of for myself with the agreement that I am the first to borrow it. I donate books. Our library has had to cut hours and cut staff to stay open, and that is a shame. But the community does support the library and when the government hiccups, these strangers are there. This is in large part to people like you and me who believe they are so fundamental to our society.
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lunatica Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-07-10 01:15 PM
Response to Original message
3. Other than the Hitler comparison I like your rant
When they've deliberately rounded millions of us up and methodically murdered us then the Hitler comparison will be justified. Your rant would be stronger if you took out that comparison.

Otherwise I like your rant and agree with it.
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ooglymoogly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-07-10 01:52 PM
Response to Reply #3
5. Was speaking to the millions, maimed and slautered in Iraq.
Edited on Sat Aug-07-10 02:37 PM by ooglymoogly
and the comparison to Hitler et al was for making a comparison as to the checked and prosecuted, as in Hitler et al, to the unchecked, as in the admitted war crimes and treasons of Bush et al and high crimes in our banking and financial worlds that are going unchecked, unchallenged and unprocecuted, for known and well documented crimes. As far as the magnitude of atrocities committed, Hitler has no equal in the last hundred years and I did not mean to speak to that, except in terms of an evil of that caliber no matter the magnitude is self destructive to the point of extinction.

I was, perhaps inartfully, trying to make the point that crimes unprocecuted destroy the foundations of Justice and law and order, breeding mistrust and loss of faith in government, eventually destroying a civilization, while those justly prosecuted. bring justice, respect, honor and order and the strengthening and continuance of a civilization.

I guess what I was trying to intone is that lawlessness, in our case, is leading to fascism, who's end becomes progressively and inevitably worse, until it reaches such extremes, as in Hitler that it has to be, at any cost, eradicated.

Sometimes, what one thinks he is saying does not come out that way in the writing and that is true at least for me, as I have a counteract covering one eye and the other has just had lasic to correct the same problem; So reading what I write is near impossible, yet, I admit is no excuse for a post that does not read or say what is meant
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flyarm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-07-10 01:41 PM
Response to Original message
4. K&R great rant! eom
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ooglymoogly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-07-10 06:55 PM
Response to Reply #4
8. Thanx flyarm.
Did not expect anyone to read it but happy to see some did.
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