completely! His name is Tom Graves & he was elected in a special election to replace Nathan Deal (R) who retired to run for Governor. He has a runoff to face on Tuesday, but all the polls indicate he will win & there is NO (NADA NONE) Democrats running in opposition to him in Nov.
He's only been in office since late July I've already written to him twice regarding his insane policies. Today I received a letter from stating the following:
"To pay for the Obama sd ministration's healthcare plan, $700 billion will be levied from new taxes. This will be the first time in history that middle-class Americans will be taxed for their healthcare. Fr the self employed, small business workers and millions of other families who buy their own policy, the cost of their health insurance will be $2,100 more because of the Democrat healthcare bill.
In response to this healthcare mess, I have introduced a bill hat will prevent the authorization of funding to carry out the Obama healthcare bill. H.R. 5882 will prohibit any funds from being authorized to be spent to implement an provisions within the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010.
I have shown my bills to replace and repeal the healthcare bill already in Congress and have signed a discharge petition to bring one of them to the floor. My bill would see to it that the funding is completely stopped and these bad programs will never take of."
I want to send him a letter that will at the very least get someone to read it and mention it to him, and at the best make him feel like someone in HIS District just took a (euphemistic)shot at him.
I don't want to say the words that are really in my head right now because I know any letters containing obscene speech are just discarded. Can you help me formulate a stinging letter but keeps the language clean?