Here is an opinion piece that appeared in the SF Chronicle today. This fellow is one of the legal eagles from the Pro Prop 8 crowd. Note the careful couching of the decision as bigoted and anti-Obama and relies on the same tired old moral outrage, based on stereotypical and legally erroneous notions about our constitution:
Prop. 8 judge makes strange charge
Nelson Lund
Sunday, August 8, 2010
"A federal judge in San Francisco ruled Wednesday that President Obama is a bigot. And not just the president. Joe Biden as well, and Hillary Rodham Clinton and Sandra Day O'Connor. And maybe you, too...
...This was a strange ruling. The U.S. Supreme Court decided in 1971 that an identical challenge to the traditional definition of marriage was meritless. Nor has the Supreme Court ever suggested that its 1971 decision was wrong. Wednesday's ruling relied primarily on a constitutional doctrine that forbids laws having no conceivable rational purpose or no purpose except to oppress a politically unpopular minority group. After a lengthy trial, the judge found that the people of California must have adopted the traditional definition of marriage because of moral or religious contempt for homosexuals and their relationships...
...Without marriage, men often would be uncertain about paternity or indifferent to it. If left unchecked, many men would have little incentive to invest in the rearing of their offspring, and the ensuing irresponsibility would have made the development of civilization impossible.
The fundamental purpose of marriage is to encourage biological parents, especially fathers, to take responsibility for their children. Because this institution responds to a phenomenon uniquely created by heterosexual intercourse, the meaning of marriage has always been inseparable from the problem it addresses.
Homosexual relationships (and lots of others as well), have nothing to do with the purpose of marriage, which is why marriage does not extend to them. Constitutional doctrine requires only one conceivable rational reason for a law, and the traditional definition of marriage easily meets that test..."
Nelson Lund is a professor at George Mason University School of Law in Arlington, Va. He has assisted in the representation of proponents of Proposition 8 in the case Perry vs. Schwarzenegger. To comment, contact us via our online form at is more to this article, but I cannot stomach it well enough to either read it or post it. The reader comments are cogent though:
"I'll be sure to note that my highly successful, enduring, childless-by-choice marriage is irrelevant, according to this author. Good grief."
"In order for any judges to support prop 8 , they
would have to become constitutional subversives
akin to the supporters of prop 8 itself.
It's no coincidence that in the 4543 words of the
constitution , the term "God" is not mentioned
even a single time.
As a matter of constitutional law and despite
revisionist history , America is NOT a Christian nation.
but rather belongs to all it's citizens.
Many of the founders and framers of the
constitution were in fact not in any way Christian, but
rather Deist which is a religious system that saw
little value in "organized religion".
Lest there be any doubt that this is NOT a Christian nation,
simply inspect article 6 of the constitution and the
related treaty of Tripoli which states it plain as day
" Art. 11. As the Government of the United
States of America is not, in any sense,
founded on the Christian religion;..."
The 1st amendment, guarantees freedom of religion, but in that freedom is also
freedom FROM religion."
"Numerous studies have shown that children raised by homosexual parents do better in life, are better adjusted individuals, and are more likely to finish college than children raised by their heterosexual parents. That statistic gives the lie to this author's claims. Further, how does the right to claim a part of your spouse's pension relate to chlidren? How does your right to retain your prop 13 taxes after your partner's death pertain to chldren? How does the right to file joint income taxes pertain to children? The fact is that legal marriage has little to do with children. Please keep your religious hatred to yourself!"
Just my dos centavos