When a teacher at Venetian Hills Elementary School heard that two other educators had helped students cheat on a standardized test, she went straight to an administrator.
The administrator’s one-syllable response: “Shhhh.”
With that, the teacher said nothing more — until this spring, when she was interviewed as part of an investigation into possible cheating at Venetian Hills and 57 other Atlanta schools.
Her tale, like dozens of others sprinkled through an investigative report released last week, provides new insight into a culture of dishonesty that apparently existed at many of the schools, where student achievement was sometimes promoted by any means necessary.
Teachers at some Atlanta schools, according to the report, whispered into students’ ears and pointed to correct answers on the Criterion-Referenced Competency Test. At some schools, administrators grabbed stacks of test papers and changed wrong answers to right. Two schools kept students’ test papers in their possession for three extra days; both later posted statistically improbable increases in CRCT scores, as did many other schools under scrutiny.
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