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••• BP pulling more sh*t, trying to f*ck up the Gulf well ALL OVER AGAIN •••

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breadandwine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-08-10 01:06 PM
Original message
••• BP pulling more sh*t, trying to f*ck up the Gulf well ALL OVER AGAIN •••

BP is now NOT committing to using the relief well to make a final plug of the well and the implication being suggested is that they intend instead to use the relief well to START PUMPING OIL FROM THE WELL ALL OVER AGAIN INSTEAD. Since it has been shown that the blowout preventers even on the relief wells are not reliable and BP has not changed its criminal negligence AT ALL, attempting to resume oil extraction from such a deep well where the pressures test the limits of current technology is a potential recipe for disaster ALL. OVER. AGAIN.

Meanwhile, the other day BP fired thousands of cleanup workers even though the cleanup is far from over. But they used dispersants to sink the oil and shove it under the rug, didn't they.

Bottom line, BP is a criminal organization that ought to be prosecuted under RICCO racketeering statutes and the idea of letting them now get the oil boggles the mind. Letting BP now extract the oil when they have shown they don't know how to do it safely and couldn't care less is equivalent to letting Jack the Ripper become a baby sitter. Allen is currently saying no but he has been one incredible BP suck up himself so we will see how long that lasts.

Here we go again......

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Triana Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-08-10 01:08 PM
Response to Original message
1. This is what happens when corprats run the country. n/t
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breadandwine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-08-10 01:24 PM
Response to Original message
2. Not using the relief well to plug the leak & using it instead to extract more oil is the DISPERSANT

we need to disperse all that RED INK........

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RufusTFirefly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-08-10 01:27 PM
Response to Original message
3. Relax! It's nothing personal. It's just business!
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flyarm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-08-10 01:29 PM
Response to Original message
4. they could only do that with our government allowing them to do it..
Edited on Sun Aug-08-10 01:31 PM by flyarm
think about that seriously..really.

I live on the Gulf, from the day the rig exploded we were told immediately there woud be no stopping the oil until this relief well was put in and it would be August at the earliest. We heard that from our local news and our Univer. Scientists..then the story changed by BP and over was all kabuki theater..but we on the Gulf were not surprised or delusional about the Kabuki Theater.

Our overnment is up to it's eyeballs in this shit ..both parties!

Follow the money!

Why do you think Hayden came out of the White House and the meeting with Obama laughing and slappng the other guys on the backs? It was all on tape!! For all the world to see and anyone else who WANTED to see.
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maryf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-08-10 02:33 PM
Response to Reply #4
10. follow the money is right...always
in this capitalistic society ruled by an oligarchy...
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JoeyT Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-08-10 02:37 PM
Response to Reply #4
12. We were also told that
responsibility would be taken and the cleanup wouldn't stop until every last drop was scrubbed.

Thank goodness we found out later that we'd tapped into the world's first self-cleaning oil source.
That roiling you see isn't thousands of fish rotting on the bottom of the ocean...It's the scrubbing bubbles at work!
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truedelphi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-08-10 03:22 PM
Response to Reply #4
13. Hey political kabuki theater is so entertaining.
It is the one Off Broadway show that will run probably until the end of time.

Especially given that the CorpoRATs are now able to use indefinite and infinite amounts of money for Campaign Contributions.
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jaxx Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-08-10 01:32 PM
Response to Original message
5. Allen: Relief Well in Gulf Will Be Finished
<->John Dickerson, guest host of CBS' "Face the Nation," asked Allen about BP's plans: "Earlier in the week there was a little bit of confusion and a message from BP that maybe the relief well might not be necessary?"

"There was an inference early on that there might be an option," Allen said. "That is not the case. I've discussed this with Bob Dudley. The relief well will be finished."
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flyarm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-08-10 03:37 PM
Response to Reply #5
14. Sorry to say I live on the Gulf, it is my back yard, I don't believe a damn word Allen says ..
he is bought and owned by BP..count on that!
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dipsydoodle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-08-10 01:34 PM
Response to Original message
6. You used a link but wrote your own narrative
In the link it clearly states :

John Dickerson, guest host of CBS' "Face the Nation," asked Allen about BP's plans: "Earlier in the week there was a little bit of confusion and a message from BP that maybe the relief well might not be necessary?"

"There was an inference early on that there might be an option," Allen said. "That is not the case. I've discussed this with Bob Dudley. The relief well will be finished."


The company had been mulling alternate uses of the relief well, but federal officials have insisted it should be used for the bottom kill. Allen's comments Sunday seemed to close the book on the matter.


Something about that you can't quite grasp ? The previous reference BP made and then almost immediately retracted was in relation to possibly drilling elsewhere in the Macondo field.
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breadandwine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-08-10 01:49 PM
Response to Reply #6
8. Something about my OP you can't understand?

I clearly stated in the OP:

"Allen is currently saying no"

The question is whether that can be trusted after he has been such a toady.

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flyarm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-08-10 03:38 PM
Response to Reply #8
15. + 1 million , from a Gulf resident! Allen is a liar! eom
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another saigon Donating Member (450 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-08-10 01:57 PM
Response to Reply #6
9. oh horse shit
isn't this the same administration that said "Oh please, pretty please do not use anymore COREXIT in the gulf"??? And what did they do??? Poured about a Million More Gallons into the Gulf since then. Does anyone have any doubt who is running this dog and pony show? Hint, it isn't our government!

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flyarm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-08-10 03:39 PM
Response to Reply #9
16. oh is our government in collusion with BP ..follow the money! eom
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glitch Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-08-10 07:04 PM
Response to Reply #16
18. Not "our" government at all. "Our" government was pawned by Bush/Cheney.
They pocketed the proceeds.

Obama has been unable to reclaim it (assuming that's his intention).
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flyarm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-08-10 07:39 PM
Response to Reply #18
19. yes " our government "..all of them !
Do check the dates on some of this stuff..and tell me there weren't lies up someone ass!
Perhaps you need a refresher of what has transpired with this administration and BP? I don't need a reshfresher I live on the Gulf and am fully aware ,..this isn't the doing of one party is the doings of both parties in our government!


.....remember Dashle who was one of the leaders of Team Obama during our primaries..and was one of his top advisors...........working with Whitman..the lady who lied about the air quality at Ground zero in NY?? Can i tickle your memory..she lied and people died and keep dying!! And that is just one example..

Spill, Baby, Spill
By Michael Isikoff, Ian Yarett and Matthew Philips | NEWSWEEK
From the magazine issue dated May 10, 2010

BP has been trying hard to burnish its public image in recent years after being hit with a pair of environmental disasters, including a fatal refinery explosion in Texas and a pipeline leak in Alaska. One major step was to announce, in 2007, that it had hired a high-powered advisory board that included former EPA director Christine Todd Whitman, former Senate majority leader Tom Daschle, and Leon Panetta, who were each paid $120,000 a year. (Panetta left when he became President Obama's CIA director.) Two years ago the oil giant's chief executive, Robert Malone, flew board members out to the Gulf of Mexico on a helicopter to demonstrate the safeguards surrounding BP's advanced drilling technology. "We got a sense they were really committed to ensuring they got it right," Whitman told NEWSWEEK.

Now BP, formerly known as British Petroleum, finds itself blamed for what could prove to be the worst oil spill in U.S. history. And only weeks after Obama announced an ambitious plan to open up more U.S. offshore waters to oil drilling, shunting aside environmental concerns from his own Democratic Party, his administration is facing a comeuppance from hell. "There was a lot of wishful thinking, I guess," says Villy Kourafalou, a scientist at the University of Miami's Rosensteil School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. "The new technologies were said to be so wonderful that we'd never have an oil spill again." Rep. Frank Pallone (D-N.J.), who had sought to block the expanded drilling, says the oil and gas industry was pushing this idea hard. "They said, 'We'll never have a repeat of Santa Barbara,'?" referring to the 1969 rig explosion off the California coast. Both the Bush and Obama administrations "were buying the line that the technology was fine," Pallone adds.

BP pressed hard to make that point in D.C. Its PR efforts included payments of $16 million last year to a battery of Washington lobbyists, among them the firm of Tony Podesta, the brother of former Obama transition chief John Podesta. Last fall, after the U.S. Interior Department proposed tighter federal regulation of oil companies' environmental programs, David Rainey, BP's vice president for Gulf of Mexico exploration, told Congress that the proposal was unnecessary. "I think we need to remember," he said, that offshore drilling "has been going on for the last 50 years, and it has been going on in a way that is both safe and protective of the environment."

Read the full article at:

Check out the date on this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Leaked report: Government fears Deepwater Horizon well could become unchecked gusher
By Ben Raines
April 30, 2010, 2:18PM


keep reading and find out what this admin and the former and our government have been doing!

'The following is not public' document states

View full size(AP Photo/U.S. Coast Guard)This image provided by the U.S. Coast Guard Saturday April 24, 2010, shows oil leaking from the drill pipe of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig after it sank. A confidential government report on the unfolding spill disaster makes clear the Coast Guard now fears the well could be on the verge of becoming an unchecked gusher shooting millions of gallons of oil per day into the Gulf. A confidential government report on the unfolding spill disaster in the Gulf makes clear the Coast Guard now fears the well could become an unchecked gusher shooting millions of gallons of oil per day into the Gulf.

"The following is not public," reads the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Emergency Response document dated April 28. "Two additional release points were found today in the tangled riser. If the riser pipe deteriorates further, the flow could become unchecked resulting in a release volume an order of magnitude higher than previously thought."

Asked Friday to comment on the document, NOAA spokesman Scott Smullen said that the additional leaks described were reported to the public late Wednesday night. Regarding the possibility of the spill becoming an order of magnitude larger, Smullen said, "I'm letting the document you have speak for itself."

In scientific circles, an order of magnitude means something is 10 times larger. In this case, an order of magnitude higher would mean the volume of oil coming from the well could be 10 times higher than the 5,000 barrels a day coming out now. That would mean 50,000 barrels a day, or 2.1 million gallons a day. It appears the new leaks mentioned in the Wednesday release are the leaks reported to the public late Wednesday night.

"There is no official change in the volume released but the USCG is no longer stating that the release rate is 1,000 barrels a day," continues the document, referred to as report No. 12. "Instead they are saying that they are preparing for a worst-case release and bringing all assets to bear."

The emergency document also states that the spill has grown in size so quickly that only 1 to 2 percent of it has been sprayed with dispersants.

The Press-Register obtained the emergency report from a government official. The White House, NOAA, the Coast Guard and BP Plc did not immediately return calls for comment made early this morning.

The worst-case scenario for the broken and leaking well pouring oil into the Gulf of Mexico would be the loss of the wellhead and kinked piping currently restricting the flow to 5,000 barrels -- or 210,000 gallons -- per day.

what they don't want you to see or know about!!

A National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration video, shot as officials coordinated response to the Deepwater Horizon disaster, shows that federal officials almost immediately worried that the oil well could leak up to 110,000 barrels per day, or 4.6 million gallons.

The video appears on a federal Web site.

It was filmed in Seattle, at NOAA's Western Regional Center, as scientists and federal officials in Seattle, Houston and New Orleans engaged in telephone conferences, according to a companion document on the Web site.


A confidential NOAA report, dated April 28 and circulated among federal agencies, makes similar projections regarding spill size in a worst-case situation.

View full size(NOAA video still)A hand-drawn map of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill dated April 22, 2010, is seen in this image from a video downloaded from the NOAA Web site. The video shows federal officials discussing the oil spill soon after the Deepwater Horizon exploded.

It describes newly discovered leaks in the tangle of riser pipe, attributing them to ongoing erosion of the pipe. The riser pipe, in this case about 5,000 feet long, connects the wellhead on the sea floor to the drilling rig on the surface.

"If the riser pipe deteriorates further, the flow could become unchecked," reads the report.

On Thursday, the day after the NOAA report was circulated, BP officials said they were worried about "erosion" of the piping.

Sand is an integral part of the formations that hold oil under the Gulf. The raw crude rising from the bottom of a well carries sand and other abrasive materials. In effect, the oil is sandblasting the piping as it rushes through with tremendous force, according to petroleum engineers.

"I think we need to be prepared for it to be the spill of the decade," Debbie Payton of NOAA, the meeting's coordinator, says during the NOAA video.


Obama: “Oil Rigs Today Generally Don’t Cause Spills”

Obama Repeats Katrina Oil Spill Myth To Defend Offshore Drilling ...

By: David Dayen Thursday April 29, 2010 1:42 pm


What a difference 18 days makes. Here was Barack Obama, on April 2, before the BP oil rig disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, claiming that oil rigs are safe to justify his position on offshore drilling:

I don’t agree with the notion that we shouldn’t do anything. It turns out, by the way, that oil rigs today generally don’t cause spills. They are technologically very advanced. Even during Katrina, the spills didn’t come from the oil rigs, they came from the refineries onshore.

Not only does this quote look ridiculous in hindsight, it wasn’t true at the time, as Brad Johnson points out:

Obama’s claim that oil rigs did not cause any spills during Hurricane Katrina is simply false, as the Wonk Room reported in June, 2008, when Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and other conservatives made the same false claim:

Hurricanes Katrina and Rita Caused 124 Offshore Spills For A Total Of 743,700 Gallons. 554,400 gallons were crude oil and condensate from platforms, rigs and pipelines, and 189,000 gallons were refined products from platforms and rigs.

Hurricanes Katrina and Rita Caused Six Offshore Spills Of 42,000 Gallons Or Greater. The largest of these was 152,250 gallons, well over the 100,000 gallon threshhold considered a “major spill.” ... ’t-cause-spills/


YouTube - Barack Obama on Offshore Oil Drilling ( to Florida voters while asking for their votes)
in the campaign for the white house..


Now who did Obama just put in charge of compensation in the Gulf of Mexico??

Oh yeah...Kenneth Feinberg!!!

Now look who Obama has in charge of the 20 billion BP is said to have to pay out
for their crimes..

Kenneth Feinberg!!

Check out this link..

seriously..check it out.. ...

Who is Kenneth Feinberg?
By Tom Eley
2 July 2010

Agent Orange Product Liability Litigation

The massive use of the chemical defoliant Agent Orange by the US military in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War had, by the 1980s, become a major source of embarrassment for the US. In addition to devastating the Vietnamese population—some 400,000 people died from the chemical and 500,000 children were born with birth defects—tens of thousands of US soldiers had experienced direct exposure. They reported a wide array of symptoms, from various cancers to birth defects among their children.

A class action lawsuit was gaining steam against Agent Orange’s manufacturers when Feinberg was brought in to resolve the case. Within six weeks, he had ended the eight-year-old lawsuit by establishing a $180 million fund, a small amount for Agent Orange’s producers, the chemical giants Dow and Monsanto. For his labors Feinberg was paid $800,000. Affected veterans were given $1,200 in exchange for disavowing their right to litigate.


$1,200.00 for getting Cancer from Agent Orange..and Birth defects to their $1,200 bucks..isn't that just grand! ............


The Dalkon Shield case

Feinberg was appointed Trustee of the victim compensation fund for Dalkon Shield, a notorious birth control device that manufacturer A. H. Robins sold in the 1970s in spite of evidence that it caused serious injury among women.

According to the May 1996 journal HealthFacts, “235,000 American women suffered injuries, most of which involved life-threatening pelvic infections. Many cases were severe enough to cause hospitalization, permanent infertility, complete hysterectomy, and/or chronic pelvic pain. There were over 200 documented cases of a rare, potentially lethal type of infected miscarriage called spontaneous septic abortion. Ultimately, 20 women died of complications associated with the Dalkon Shield.”


While Feinberg’s trust gave most women $725 or less, A.H. Robins was saved.


and who was in charge of giving out the money to families of 9/11?

oppps..yep Kenneth Feinberg..same guy Bush used for the fucking of Americans and the deaths of Americans ..for the worst failure of this nation!! Some of who were my co-workers and several of my neighbors kids..

Same filthy bastard the repukes use..that is who Obama chose to fuck the people of the Gulf!

and the beat goes on and on and matter what party is in the White House ..the same corrupt bastards run it all!

here are a couple of interesting articles about Mr. Feinberg:


the following is just more and more info you need to see and read about!!




BP covers oil with sand on Orange Beach as the Coast Guard looks on


BP Slick Covers Dolphins and Whales


First Amendment suspended in the Gulf of Mexico as spill cover-up goes Orwellian
source: ... ... ...



YouTube - Countdown: Dr.Riki Ott alleges BP engaged in massive cover-up to hide Gulf Disaster damage ...

sound like Ground Zero???????????




162 cases of illness linked to oil spill reported in LouisianaBy the CNN Wire Staff
June 28, 2010 7:41 p.m. EDT

Most of those who reported sickness were either workers on oil rigs or people involved in cleanup efforts.STORY HIGHLIGHTS
Louisiana report says 162 people have reported illnesses
128 of those were workers in the Gulf and the rest from the general public
Symptoms included throat irritation, shortness of breath, coughing
Most were between the ages of 18 and 64
(CNN) -- Exposure to the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico has resulted in 162 cases of illnesses reported to the Louisiana state health department, according to a report released Monday. Of those cases, 128 involved workers on oil rigs or individuals involved in the oil spill cleanup efforts, the report said. ...


From the Ground: BP Censoring Media, Destroying Evidence -...


BP spill now hitting all Gulf states
Source: MSNBC

BP spill now hitting all Gulf states
Tar balls wash up on Texas beach; 'Super skimmer' tests inconclusive

Tar balls from the Gulf oil spill found on a Texas beach were the first evidence that gushing crude from the Deepwater Horizon well has reached all the Gulf states.

Read more: ... /


Oil Spills Raise Arsenic Levels in the Ocean, Says New Research

Source: ScienceDaily

(July 5, 2010) — Oil spills can increase levels of toxic arsenic in the ocean, creating an additional long-term threat to the marine ecosystem, according to research published July 2 in the journal Water Research.


In the study, a team from Imperial College London has discovered that oil spills can partially block the ocean's natural filtration system and prevent this from cleaning arsenic out of the seawater. The researchers say their study sheds light on a new toxic threat from the Gulf of Mexico oil leak.

more: ...

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ...

Photographer detained by police, BP employee near refinery
A photographer taking pictures of a BP refinery in Texas was detained by a BP security official, local police and a man who said he was from the Department of Homeland Security, according to ProPublica, a non-profit news organization in the U.S.


Rosenfield was released after officials looked through the pictures he had taken and took down his date of birth, Social Security number and other personal information, the photographer said. The information was turned over to the BP security guard who said this was standard procedure, ProPublica quoted Rosenfield as saying.

Rosenfield, a Texas-based freelance photographer, said he was followed by a BP employee after taking a picture on a public road near the refinery, and then cornered by two police cars at a gas station. The officials told Rosenfield they had the right to look at the pictures taken near the refinery and if he did not comply he would be "taken in," the photographer said according to ProPublica.

BP gave ProPublica the following statement after the incident:

"BP Security followed the industry practice that is required by federal law. The photographer was released with his photographs after those photos were viewed by a representative of the Joint Terrorism Task Force who determined that the photographer's actions did not pose a threat to public safety."

In response to BP, ProPublica's editor-in-chief Paul Steiger said:

"We certainly appreciate the need to secure the nation's refineries. But we're deeply troubled by BP's conduct here, especially when they knew we were working on deadline on critical stories about this very facility. And we see no reason why, if law enforcement needed to review the unpublished photographs, that should have included sharing them with a representative of a private company."



Pulmonary Specialist: “Never seen such enormous amounts of exposure”; Swimming in Gulf waters can cause “respiratory failure” -...

By oilflorida, on July 3rd, 2010

And at hospitals in Louisiana, doctors and nurses are manning decontamination tents.

“We usually get a phone call ahead of time when patients are coming in, who have been exposed to some sort of chemical. whether it be from the oil spill or something else. We wash them off to be safe.”

As doctors on the ground deal with a first-of-its-kind problem, other medical experts are meeting with scientists at the request of the Department of Health and Human Services. ..

Dr. Harish Seethamraju is a pulmonary specialist at Methodist Hospital in Houston.

Seethamraju says potential problems include wheezing and asthma, but that’s not all. “It they take a swim in these waters, the toxic chemicals can cause pneumonia and respiratory failure.” …

“Nobody has experience with that,” said Seethamraju. “We have never seen such enormous amounts of exposure.”


Arrest For Filming Oil Spill, BY BP CONTRACTORS: BP's Rules, NOT OURS /

Black Beach: BP's oil turns white sands ugly
A cap is back in place on BP's broken oil well after a deep-sea blunder forced crews to temporarily remove what has been the most effective method so far of containing some of the massive Mexican Gulf oil spill. Engineers used remote-controlled submarines to reposition the cap after it was off for much of the day. It had captured 700000 gallons (2.7 million liters) of oil in 24 hours before one of the robots bumped into it. Meanwhile white Florida beaches are now turning black. Video by Michael McLean. /



“Horrifying”: Florida children “with tarballs on their face… tar in their eyes”

By oilflorida, on July 5th, 2010
Walton County Initiates Local Task Force to Address Oil Spill Health Concerns, WJGH Channel 7 Panama City,
June 23, 2010:

Another wave of tarballs washed up this afternoon along 14 miles of the beaches in South Walton.

As you can imagine, it was the hot topic at tonight’s county commission meeting, where commissioners are demanding BP and state officials respond faster to the crisis. …

Local businessman Ed Berry is urging commissioners to make sure the appropriate parties are being held accountable. “The children were in the water swimming. They were coming out of the water with tarballs on their face; they were wiping their face and having tar in their eyes and on their mouth.”

That horrifying image has local officials working to ‘up the ante’. …
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glitch Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-08-10 07:50 PM
Response to Reply #19
20. Geeze flyarm, I thought you knew me by now.
When I say it's not "our" government I am talking about We the People. We the People do not have representation.

I knew I should have said pawned by Reagan/Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama ("should that be his intention" was probably too oblique, considering the horror of the catastrophe we are discussing, I apologize).

Still, happy to offer the opportunity for a really good rant and genuinely very sorry that it is necessary and personal for you. :hug:
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flyarm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-08-10 09:10 PM
Response to Reply #20
22. oh right you are , I guess I am just so sick of people around these parts these days
that don't give a shit about what has been really happening to We the People truth..I just misread your post..and I was multi tasking..andddd.. not too well!!

:hi: :hug: :fistbump: :yourock:

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glitch Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-08-10 10:21 PM
Response to Reply #22
23. I know fly, it's getting hard to navigate the snark infested waters sometimes
and see deeply serious issues treated with such shallow disdain.

But really, :yourock: Hang in there!
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felinetta Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-08-10 01:39 PM
Response to Original message
7. Several days ago, CNN reported that BP wasn't sure if they needed to use the
relief wells and an alarm went off in my head immediately.  It
just seemed obvious that they didn't want to plug it entirely.
They want their stinkin' oil.  I can hear them singing:
Obladi, Oblada, 
life goes on (and we're still gonna make a boat load of money.
Just try and stop us.)
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jaxx Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-08-10 02:34 PM
Response to Original message
11. There will be a bottom kill
News Alert: BP: Tests clear way for relief well
03:18 PM EDT Sunday, August 8, 2010

BP says pressure tests indicate the cement plug forced into blown-out gulf well has hardened and is firmly in place, clearing the way for drilling of the relief well to resume. The company did not say when it would begin drilling the final 100 feet of the well, though BP Senior Vice President Kent Wells has said it should resume Sunday night.

Once the relief well intersects the broken well, more mud and cement will be pumped in for the "bottom kill" meant to seal the well for good.

Story here>
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earth mom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-08-10 05:05 PM
Response to Original message
17. Those fucking bastards!!!


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Desertrose Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-08-10 07:56 PM
Response to Reply #17
21. Ditto. I cannot believe they are gonna do this..wait..yes I can.

And probably get away with it.
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SugarShack Donating Member (979 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-08-10 10:46 PM
Response to Original message
24. We need to watch this....raise a shit storm if they want to use the well again to drill....
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