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They Must Be Aliens

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
proud2BlibKansan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-08-10 01:23 PM
Original message
They Must Be Aliens
(mods: posted in its entirety by request from the author)

With a breaking heart, I peruse the scene,
Of our beautiful Planet,that once was green
And on my face,appears a frown,
Because everything is turning brown

The Smooth Ape has been at work,
Playing his deadly role,
Turning this magic Earth that we share,
Into a lifeless black hole

"You exaggerate,you exaggerate,
That's just a pack of lies",
But it's facts that we're dealing with here,my friend,
And many are becoming wise,

To the simple fact that if we don't stop right now,
Our reckless and murderous deeds
Humanity will soon be a memory,
And our legacy,glowing weeds

The Depleted Uranium in America's bombs,
Has a half life of 4 billion years,
We drop it on our very own troops
Who get a lifelong destiny of pain and tears

Agent Orange,that deadly dust
Rained down on Viet Nam,
And to this day,it's still reaping it's harvest,
Time -release poison from an American bomb

They strip mine the oceans,
And level the forests,
Like we've got a spare somewhere
Many of us can just stare in amazement
It seems that only the powerless care

Greedy corporations are destroying the Earth
They're like Pak Man,only much worse
The only criteria that they employ,
Is if they can fatten their purse

Where did these guys come from?
They must be Aliens from outer space
Who've come to plunder our precious Planet,
And destroy the Human race

We've got to take our hats off
They're so effective in their quest
Because when it comes to destroying all forms of life
These guys are the very best-
Serial killers, destroying our planet
They set our Earth on fire,And then they fan it

They've got to be Aliens
Nothing else make sense
Who would destroy their own life support system
No one could be that dense

We're all swimming in a sea of insanity,
And for most,the result is pain
The world's in the hands of psychopaths,
Who only care for material gain

But it's not agony for everyone
Our system serves those at the top
And America's becoming a Fascist Empire
The world's bully and cop

We claim that this is a Democracy
That's what our misleaders say,
But we really live in a two- tiered system
The Predators,and their Prey

If "Pretty is as pretty does",
They're as ugly as it gets
And the suffering of people all over the world
Is due to their reckless bets

Our government is really a casino,
And a house of ill repute
Where the taxpayers money is bet recklessly,
If only we could give them the boot

That,of course would be difficult
They make the voting machines
Whose results can be flipped in a heartbeat
And they have,and it's more than obscene

The reason that our government resembles a Whorehouse
Here in the Land of Milk and Honey,
Is that most politicians sell their votes to the wealthy,
Their primary focus being power and money

To many of us, it's surpassingly queer
That our elected representatives can look in the mirror-
They must see the destruction that they cause
Placing our futures in corporate claws

Sadly the people are apathetic,
and ignorant of the corporations misdeeds
That are destroying this magical planet we share
Getting rich while Mother Earth bleeds

The reason that our citizens don't know the truth,
Is that Big Media is owned by their corporate masters,
and it's in the interest of the perps, to keep in the dark,
Their endless litany of ecological disasters

Good Luck to all of us, and we need it
Because our lives are in the hands of the Fools
Whose lust for wealth is so pervasive
That they see the World's people as tools,

To be used for one simple purpose,
To be their servants and slaves
Disposable units to be exploited and discarded,
From their cradles to their graves

We'd better wake up if we'd like to survive
Ignorance isn't bliss
And If the lovers of life don't begin to care more,
We can give our species ,a goodbye kiss-


by Rick Burnley-08/10
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proud2BlibKansan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-09-10 11:11 PM
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