In my life (as in most of life) it seems as if most of what comprises my personal world is degrading in some form or fashion. Still, I find the will to believe that my life can change for the better. Against all visible evidence to the contrary; against reason and the landscape and environment in front of me, I make myself hope and believe in a better tomorrow. It's really the only way I can muster my full energy to face down the challenges of my day (week, year . . .).
I take the same approach to politics and our national and foreign affairs. I have to hope and believe in a better tomorrow, in order to put my full energy in working to help make all of that happen. I'd be lying if I said I haven't been losing some of that optimistic drive as I grow older and contemplate my unsolved ills degraded by time.
I'm still keeping my optimism though, and, I'm still looking for signs of change and for things which sustain my hope. It's a bit delusional, but, sometimes I see a ray of light or two managing to shine through the gloom. I'm still searching.
Yes, I'm still searching For a way we all can learn To build a world Where we all can share The work the fun The food the space The joy the pain And no one ever Ever need or want to seek To be a millionaire
- Pete Segger, 'And I'm Still Searching'