This is the "justification" for doctors holding a fucking tea party: According to them, the healthcare bill will:
Subject physicians to the greater control of insurance company oversight Please, please, PLEASE tell me these people are smoking crack. I don't normally encourage the smoking of crack, but when you are this monumentally stupid you should at least have an excuse like "well, I was on crack at the time." Physicians are currently under the control of insurance company oversight--they have to think, when they plan to do something to someone, "is the insurance going to pay for this?"
Deter innovation by physicians because insurance companies won't allow it That happens now.
Impoverish patients by forcing them to pay for expensive insurance they may not use That happened LONG before the HCR bill was signed. When I was working at Home Depot, they offered me healthcare benefits for a really decent price. So...I read the whole packet and decided not to enroll, because I wouldn't have been able to afford the copays and deductibles. A lot of people are in the same situation.
Enrich insurance companies at the expense of patients and physicians That happened before the HCR bill was even proposed.
Eliminate the growing market of self-paying patients And this would be a problem, how? In reality, doctors probably don't give a fuck how they get paid, so long as they do. They would probably like money rather than chickens, though.
Bankrupt government programs and potentially lead to a government takeover Let me get this straight: the government can take over government programs? Completely and totally impossible: The government cannot "take over" government programs because THE GOVERNMENT IS ALREADY RUNNING THEM!!!!!
Cause many physicians to stop practicing, leading to shortages and long waiting lines This is how I read this: Doctors have to employ people in this era who know how to squeeze reimbursement out of insurance companies. Because more patients will have insurance, the headache of squeezing reimbursement out of insurance companies for every patient, rather than only 85 percent of them, will be the straw that breaks the camel's back.
Seriously, guys, someone should have gone to this thing and taken the names of the five doctors who attended...and then published it here so we know where not to go next time. You'd wind up going to one of these guys for a charley horse in your leg and wind up getting shot because the guy heard "horse" and "leg" and...well, you know what happens.