This piece from Rachel Tabachnick on strategic level spiritual warfare (SLSW), the ideology behind the growth of "prayer warrior" networks across the nation, reminded me of something I wanted to highlight from book I have been reading by Chuck Pierce called "The Future War of the Church: How We Can Defeat Lawlessness and Bring God's Order to the Earth."
In his book, Pierce lays out the explanation of why they must engage in this type of spiritual warfare, explaining that sin allows Satan to gain strongholds in homes, families, communities, and cities that can only be broken by properly directed spiritual warfare ... and again, let me point out that he means this literally:
"Satan uses ongoing problems within a community, such as murder, violence, pornography or gangs, to strengthen his throne of iniquity within the community. If your community is plagued by these and other corporate sins, you must realize that Satan has a throne of iniquity in place that is being maintained through these sins.
Satan's confederation, through which he maintains his system of worship, is not just limited to witchcraft or covens but can manifest itself through many forms of occultic practices, including satanism, psychic hotlines, spiritism, paganism, goddess worship, voodoo, fortune-telling, palmistry, demon worship, the use of spirit guides, and other New Age practices. The enemy's confederation also extends to those who practice any form of false religion - including Mormonism, Islam, Jehovah's Witnesses, Hinduism, Eastern religions, Native religions, Christian Science, and Bahai - and to those embroiled in secret societies such as Freemasonry, Shriners, Oddfellows and the Elks." basically, the more porn, Muslims, gays, and apparently Elks Club members in an area, then the more little red guys with pitchforks coming out of the woodwork and "tagging" buildings and stopping you from getting to the third island.