Your Newtie
The Gingrich-Bin Laden alliance.
By William Saletan
Posted Thursday, Aug. 5, 2010, at 8:09 AM ET
In the years since 9/11, Osama Bin Laden has issued more than 20 audio and video statements to spread his view of the conflict between the United States and al-Qaida. According to his worldview, the United States represents Christianity, al-Qaida represents Muslims, Christians won't protect Muslims, the West hates mosques, peaceful coexistence is a fraud, and the "war on terrorism" is really a war on Islam. By spreading this message, Bin Laden works to turn Muslims against the United States and rally them to al-Qaida.
Now Bin Laden has an ally in this propaganda campaign: Newt Gingrich.
Over the past two weeks, in a series of articles and speeches, Gingrich has declared a religious war that suits al-Qaida's agenda almost perfectly. While denouncing "Islamists" rather than Islam, Gingrich has blurred the distinction by selecting as his initial target the construction of a mosque near Ground Zero. Everything Bin Laden says about the United States, Gingrich validates. All you have to do is read their statements, side by side.Amazing chart at link I don't know how to reproduce, but see it at this link: astute writers—Robert Wright, Jeffrey Goldberg, Blake Hounshell, Andrew Sullivan—have explained the idiocy of the anti-mosque campaign. By opposing the mosque, Gingrich, Sarah Palin, Rudy Giuliani, and other Republicans think they're standing up to Bin Laden. But Bin Laden isn't fighting for Islam. He's fighting to transform a war of terrorists against civilization into a war of infidels against Islam. He's fighting to persuade Muslims that they belong on his side, not on ours.
And you're helping him, Newt. You're giving him exactly the fight he wants. Nice going.