from the Toronto Star:
Susan Delacourt Ottawa Bureau
WINDSOR, ONT.—Former prime minister Paul Martin is accusing the Conservative government of trying to “dumb down” the country by doing away with census information that has been vital to budget-making and Canada’s international reputation.
“This country is not going to be dumbed down by a federal government that doesn’t care if in fact we make good policy based on good evidence,” Martin told a cheering Liberal crowd in his hometown of Windsor on Sunday.
And Ontario’s Finance Minister, Dwight Duncan, says that the province intends to keep up the fight against the Harper’s government’s decision to do away with the mandatory long-form census.
“This is not the way to run a democracy,” Martin told reporters on Sunday, when he and Duncan appeared at a rally in his hometown of Windsor with Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff.
Martin says he sees the census decision as part of Stephen Harper’s larger attempt to clamp down on information and free discussion among Canadians. ............(more)
The complete piece is at: