Edited on Sun Aug-08-10 09:07 PM by scheming daemons
Gallons of water in the Gulf of Mexico:. 643,000,000,000,000,000 Gallons of oil in the Deepwater Horizon spill:......... 200,000,000
Ratio of oil from Deepwater Horizon spill to water in Gulf of Mexico: 1 part per 3,215,000,000
Gallons of water in an Olympic size swimming pool:.. 660,430 Equivalent amount of oil in an Olympic size pool to match ratio of what was spilled in gulf: 0.0002 gallons
Want to know why the Gulf can "heal" from this spill? Go spill 1/5000 of a gallon of oil in an Olympic size pool. You've now contaminated that pool to the same level that the Gulf of Oil was contaminated by the Deepwater Horizon spill.
Yes. This spill was bad. The worst ever in American history. Yes. We should completely stop drilling for oil in deep water. The risks are too great.
But all the amateur scientists here need to go back and research the IXTOC spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 1979. It also dispersed rather quickly. The differences between the Gulf of Mexico and Prince William Sound are many, but is mainly boils down to this:
1. Evaporation is accelerated in warmer climates and in warmer water. 2. Micro-organisms that feed on oil are much more abundant and thrive in the warm water of the Gulf and are almost non-existent in cold arctic water. 3. The waters of the Gulf of Mexico are much more turbulent than in Prince William Sound. This breaks up oil. 4. Tropical storms and Hurricanes are non-existent in Prince William sound.
Every person who's taken 10th grade science has likely heard the phrase "The solution to pollution is dilution". This is true with air pollution as well as water pollution.
The Gulf of Mexico is a pretty extreme dilution agent on its own... certainly better than the relatively stagnant cold waters of Prince William Sound (or your driveway, for those peddling that silly metaphor). Add in millions of gallons of dispersant, thousands of skimming boats, a couple tropical storms passing through, and you get much more dilution than you ever could get in a cold, static water basin like Prince William Sound.
Don't be scientifically ignorant. Look things up!
Go read about the IXTOC spill in 1979. Read about how a hurricane helped disperse it. Read about how the Gulf recovered faster than anybody thought.
There is no good place to have a spill, and that's why all deep-water drilling should be phased out and no new wells should be started.
But if you're going to have a spill... the warm, turbulent waters of the Gulf of Mexico during hurricane season is the place where the least long-term damage will occur.