These shadowy so-called "conservative" cockroaches just won't quit.,150698Lawsuit seeks to halt Maine's matching campaign funds law8/6/10 02:03 pm Updated: 8/7/10 03:31 pm
AUGUSTA, Maine — Critics of Maine’s public campaign financing program are asking the courts to suspend part of the law in a move that, if successful, could have significant impacts on this November’s races for governor and the State House.
Bolstered by recent court victories against other states with similar laws, two individuals and two conservative groups filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court on Thursday challenging the constitutionality of a key portion of the Maine Clean Election Act.
In particular, the plaintiffs are seeking to suspend the part of Maine’s law that allows publicly financed candidates to receive additional taxpayer money — on top of what they already received — when they are outspent by their opponents.
“It has a chilling effect on a candidate’s free speech when he knows that every time he spends money he is putting more money in the campaign chest of his opponent,” said Josiah Neeley, an attorney with the James Madison Center for Free Speech in Indiana.
The lawsuit makes Maine the latest front in a national legal battle widely expected to end up in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. But the timing of the filing could have major implications on the 2010 governor’s race in Maine.
If approved by a judge, the request would severely limit the amount of campaign money available to Democratic gubernatorial candidate Libby Mitchell and potentially hundreds of publicly financed candidates for the Legislature.