ATLANTA — Just a few years ago, a court ruling that overturned a state's gay-marriage ban would have stirred stronger objections than those that arose from the political right this week after a federal judge invalidated California's voter-approved Proposition 8.
But beating that drum now may risk being seen as so 2004. Instead, Republican leaders today are focused intently on the economy - and on blaming Democratic policies for its still-sluggish state - as they try to rally independents, libertarians, and "tea party" adherents around conservative economic ideals in advance of midterm elections.
"Every indicator that I have ... generally speaking, is that economic growth and job creation are the tandem issues that will be the principal drivers of voter decision at polls,” Republican National Committee political director Gentry Collins told reporters Thursday. "What I’m encouraging candidates to do is go out and run on an economic platform, a jobs platform."