great post by Daisy Cutter over at Daily Kos. It exposes one of the co-founders of SIOA, John Joseph Jay, who if I am not mistaken is also a frequent commenter on AtlasShrugs.
Daisy Cutter’s article would have been bolstered if he/she used our article, SIOA is an anti-Muslim Hate Group.
SIOA co-founder: kill your liberal relatives and all Muslims
by Daisy Cutter
The recent nontroversy over the not-actually-”at”-Ground-Zero not-actually-a-mosque is sure to heat up now that the first piece of red tape was shredded away. One of the key leaders of the movement to demonize the project, along with every other mosque being constructed in the country, is well-known wingnut blogger Pamela Geller. Along with Robert Spencer, she incorporated a nonprofit known as the American Freedom Defense Initiative. This organization seems to be the umbrella group that operates the more familiarly known SIOA (Stop the Islamisation of America). It is this group that provided the funding for legal counsel in its lawsuit to allow for anti-Islamic bus ads.
The articles of agreement for the non-profit corporation was registered in New Hampshire and can be found here (PDF). One of the founding members of the board is named John Joseph Jay.
A Google search for his name comes up with multiple accounts on right-wing anti-Muslim pro-Zionist web sites. One of which is Israel Insider. This profile further links us to his blog.To put it lightly, this man is clearly very disturbed.
In this post, he makes it known how far patriotic right-wing Americans should be willing to go in order to preserve their freedom from the liberal menace.