Wikileaks revelations irritate Ensign
Sen. John Ensign, R-Nev., is angry about the whistle-blower website posting 90,0000 documents about the war in Afghanistan last month, and he made sure the Obama administration knew about it.
Ensign blocked the confirmation of Luis Arreaga to become the U.S. ambassador to Iceland, and relented only after Arreaga met with him Thursday.
Why Iceland? Turns out the Nordic nation is a haven for Wikileaks and its director, Julian Assange. Ensign wants the Obama administration to pressure Iceland to crack down on the network, which posts troves of classified or otherwise unobtainable material gathered by whistle-blowers or through leakers.
Ensign argued the Afghanistan leaks, which Wikileaks shared first with the New York Times, the Guardian newspaper in London and Der Spiegel in Germany, have damaged U.S. and NATO prosecution of the war.
Ah STFU Ensign - we are angry you aren't in prison yet.