The left was very involved in the pro-democracy movement for China. There were demonstrations in support all across U.S. campuses and lots of support. This movement had nothing to do with government, tho.
Since the U.S. govt. has been overtaken by conservatives, people have turned their energies to work that could be achieved without the govt of the U.S. - which has totally failed on most any issue of consequence.
There were and are the movements to get Universities not to invest in places like apartheid Africa, or with companies that use slave labor. At the same time, the U.S. govt. was supporting apartheid - Cheney called Mandela a terrorist.
Fair Trade has been a big issue and people have been made aware of the way that the things they purchase - who produces them - matters. At the same time, the U.S. govt. protected people like Chiquita from charges of using slave labor.
No Sweat is another organization that has worked to create better conditions - again, with no govt. involvement since the govt supported those companies who moved their production facilities out of the U.S. and paid workers pennies on the dollar.
The anti-globalists brought the issue of problems with the IMF and other entities to the attention of the American people - to those who wanted to pay attention rather than just jerk off to internet porn. - Even people who were not part of the process became aware of problems - even tho the media has tried to portray that movement as nothing more than the black bloc.
People have worked to create affordable housing where they live - organizations like Habitat for Humanity, local organizations that provide food pantries for the poor - all of these groups have been instrumental in helping, even tho it's not enough, as the right wing cut services and spending for the poor - to the point that the mentally ill were sleeping on park benches during the Reagan administration.
What I see, but what you fail to see, or don't want to admit, is that conservatives took over the American govt. with Reagan. This continued with Clinton and his NAFTA fuck you to labor.
To counter the ABSOLUTE ABDICATION of responsibility by the American govt. for the welfare of people who have been victims of abuse, who have suffered from illnesses, who have no family or personal safety net - liberals have responded by working with people and organizations where they live to try to mitigate some of the damage done by conservatism among the poorest and neediest among us.
People volunteer time for particular organizations.
The legacy of the last 30 years has been the destruction of the idea of an American community by the actions of the right wing. Liberals and the left have worked to fill the gap left by this sink hole of selfishness and greed.
At the state level, voters have quasi-legalized marijuana for medical purposes in 14 states. This was because of liberals. Clinton fought against this, being a typical suck up to the "law and order" crew that has bullshitted Americans for the last 40 years on this issue.
At city levels, cities have instituted recycling programs to bring attention to the issue of consumption and waste. City govts have worked to make public transportation rather than cars, part of the fabric of life.
People have looked to bikes as alternatives in transportation and many cities with strong liberal bases also have strong bike cultures as a way to personally contribute to fewer cars on the road.
The left has created many amazing documentaries tracking the way that the right-wing assumption of power has led to a meaner, less egalitarian society. The left has supported amazing comedians who tell the truth and let us laugh so that we do not cry.
You may not think these two matter, but just ask anyone from the Soviet Union how they dealt with the abuses of power under their lying hypocrites.
Outside of the beltway with its constricted mental frames, the left has worked to bring acceptance of civil rights for the gblt community to national attention - the glbt community is part and parcel of the left - and those who are not gblt but support their rights have helped to demonstrate acceptance of difference isn't a scary thing.
The left has worked to help people understand that those with various disabilities deserve access to services in this nation - physical access, but also the space to be able to learn.
Those are some things I can think of off the top of my head.
When your govt. is controlled by a bunch of useless tools, you have to look outside of that avenue to achieve things of worth and value.
the govt has given us unnecessary wars, unneeded tax cuts for the wealthy, unwanted restrictions on our personal lives, unhealthy intrusion of right wing religious beliefs into government and an overweening sense that this govt is broken because of its collusion with big business at the exclusion of main street or the person on the street.
It's been really disgusting to become an adult and live through a time of such total, cynical abuse of the American people in the name of corporate fealty, but that's what the govt has been about for the last 30 years - that and wars based upon bullshit that have decimated America's reputation around the world.