"Can we get a fair program where people stand at the back of the line, they pay a fine, they do some things that would ultimately allow a path to legalization? ~ Meg Whitman on citizenship for illegal immigrants, October 2009
So, I don't think we should have blanket amnesty, and I am not for a path to citizenship. I have been very, very clear on that. ~ Meg Whitman on citizenship for illegal immigrants, August 2010"
So now let's recap why opposing a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants - a position Whitman took to shore up her standing with conservatives during the GOP primary fight with Steve Poizner -- is such a mistake by eMeg.
Since June 2007, the Public Policy Research Institute of California has asked this question: "If you had to choose, what do you think should happen to most illegal immigrants who have lived and worked in the United States for at least two years? They should be given a chance to keep their jobs and eventually apply for legal status or they should be deported back to their native country."
Overall, among all adults, the responses have ranged from
69% to 74% in favor of a path to citizenship. Democrats have hovered at about 80%, independents at about 70% and even Republicans at about 50%.