I'm hearing Dennis Prager on the radio talk about how the Taliban killed Dr. Little and the others because the Taliban is evil, the aid workers are good, and evil hates good. That really is his explanation.
But Dr. Little and his family and his organization lived in Afghanistan for 30 years, through the period where the Taliban were in control. They were evil then, right? Dr. Little was good then, right? I don't get it, why did the evildoers let the Christian do-gooders live and work there?
I'm not saying the Taliban isn't evil, or the aid workers weren't good, I'm just saying it's really stupid to say that's why they died. We might find out exactly what happened, I think it's just a matter that Afghanistan, especially the part they were in, is extremely dangerous.
It reminds me, Prager recently interviewed the author Sebastian Junger about his book on the Afghan war. Junger is pretty pro-war, but when Prager eagerly asked him if the troops saw the war as good vs. evil as Prager himself does, Junger flatly said no, and went on to describe the troops' more realistic view of what they're doing (looking out for each other, basically). Prager was crushed, and begged Junger to back up his stupid theory just a little, but Junger couldn't do it. It's just not the way it is.