Man being on the road for a week at a time makes you miss a lot of stuff. I missed the vote on the 9/11 first responders health care and of course the media ignored it so I had to find out from Jon Stewart. Who by the way if you haven't seen the segment the guy was on fucking fire. He can make me laugh at the things that make me the most angry...
Now since I was taken to task yesterday for posting something that had apparently been said already, and still berated after I mentioned that I missed all the news last week, I will say that if this has been said already I apologize.
This vote was a gift to the Democrats. If they choose to use it. You want to win the elections this year? And I mean win more seats, and put the Republicans down as lame ducks for the next two years, with no say and no vote on anything? Here's the ad that will do it. You make this ad and you run it on every fucking website, every radio station, every TV channel ,and you promote the idea relentlessly until the entire country is talking about nothing else.
The visuals should be something like this:
9/1. You see the rubble, you are reminded of that day. Of where you were, of how you turned on the news and saw the first building on fire. Of how your heart stopped for a moment while you tried to reconcile your view of the second plane flying into the building, with reality. With the fact that this wasn't some disaster movie, it was the streets of New York. The you ran through your head all of your friends and relatives, do you know someone? Was your friend or brother at work that day? Did you have someone you loved in one of those buildings?
Then you see the first responders, cops, firemen, paramedics, people off the street, digging through the rubble, attempting to save as many Americans as possible. Risking their lives to help others. The you see them in their own aftermath, sick, hospitalized, can't work, their own health deteriorating…
The voiceover should be saying something like this:
On June 29th 2010 Republicans voted down a bill brought forth to provide health care for those first responders who came to the aid of American citizens at their time of need. The bill would have provided 7.4 billion dollars for health issues stemming directly from involvement with response to the 9/11 tragedy. Now you may ask yourselves how the Republicans can manage to find 30 billion dollars to continue the wars that stemmed from 9/11 but couldn't manage 7.4 billion for those in need who selflessly gave on 9/11.
Well the answer is simple. The Republican party did not want a bill that wasn't "paid for" or a bill paid for with more taxes. Well that makes sense doesn't it? Yes it does, the problem is the bill was paid for. And it was paid for not by taxing the American people, but by closing a tax loophole that allowed Foreign Corporations to do business in the U.S. using offshore accounts to avoid paying taxes to the U.S.
So lets boil this down to it's most simple. The Republicans, in order to protect foreign corporations from having to pay taxes on the business they do with the U.S., voted down the bill to help the people who put their lives at risk on that fateful day in 2001. Yes the party that wants to ban all illegal immigrants is also the party that wants foreigners to do business in the U.S. tax free and they are so set on it that they are willing to allow 9/11 first responders to suffer for it.
So who do you stand with? Do you stand with foreign corporations and the Republicans? Or do you stand with the first responders and the American people?
I know this is a bit exploitative, and the visuals and voiceover could use some professional help but the time for playing nice is over. You give this ad to every Democrat running. You make sure this is the face of the Republican party. Whenever someone brings up some other point you turn it right around and bring it back here. Use their own weapons against them. Deficit? How can Republicans claim they are against the deficit when they are allowing foreign companies to avoid taxes while leaving first responders without proper health care? Health care? How can Republicans talk about health care when they already voted that health care for first responders is not as important as Foreign Corporations having offshore tax havens? Jobs? How can Republicans talk about jobs when they don't protect the people with the JOB of protecting us? You can do this all day long. Any issue they have you can turn it right back on them.
You take this vote and shove it right up the Republicans ass. This is their "Willie Horton". The ad that can kill them. Or maybe it's not, who the fuck knows, maybe Jon Stewart is right... I GIVE UP.