Edited on Mon Aug-09-10 03:44 PM by WCGreen
guy on the show.
Ratigan was so comfortable with the anti-Muslim guy that he addressed him by name.
This guy, "Jordan" reverted to the typical bully tactics that are always dragged out when the bullying starts. Talking over, yelling at the person to answer the question hiding behind the banner that his question is valid because he, well, says so.
In this case he was going after this Imam to declare that Humas and Hezbulla were indeed terrorist organization. Kept it up. And Ratigan jumped in the frey.
Anyway, Israel and our government insist that Hezbulla and Humas are terrorist organizations. But over the years, both of these governments have insisted that pretty much anyone who disagrees with Israel in anyway is determined a terrorist. I understand that but it doesn't mean that I have to accept it as the gospel truth.
Why, because our government has consistently lied over the years when it came to dealing with our enemies, our friends our allies.
I guess that is to be expected since nuance really has no chance when bellicosity is the norm.
So, the Imam consistently said he could account for all the money that his community has raised to build a mosque. In a sane world, that should be enough. But this ass hat kept at it, demanding that the Imam answer if the terrorist question. The Imam said it is not up to me to determine who is a terrorist and that was taken by both Ratigan and his best pall Jordan that there was probably something nefarious going on...
All I could think about was the McCarthy witch hunt, the Salem with trials and the lynchings of African Americans. Get the crowd ginned up and you can basically say or do anything and never suffer the consequence.
I don't think this is just an American or Israeli trait, I think it is something that is innate in humans who gather into societies.
I just though that since we have been in this situation since th dawn of time we would be getting away from the mass hysteria people purposely gin up just to attain a goal.