How many dumbasses who voted for Proposition 8 realized they were voting to reconstruct a Victorian era ideal of marriage, in which gender roles were unequal?
I'm just now reading Walker's decision and I'm in awe of its brilliance. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it. You can't believe what idiots the proponents were (and no doubt still are and will continue to be).
Here's a tiny sample of the judge's masterful shredding job: Proposition 8 amends the California Constitution to codify
distinct and unique roles for men and women in marriage.
a. Tr 1087:5-18 (Lamb: The “traditional family” refers to a
family with a married mother and father who are both
biologically related to their children where the mother
stays at home and the father is the bread winner.);
b. PX0506 Protect Marriage, The Fine Line Transcript (Oct 1,
2008) at 13: “Children need a loving family and yes they
need a mother and father. Now going on what Sean was
saying here about the consequences of this, if Prop 8
doesn’t pass then it will be illegal to distinguish
between heterosexual and same sex couples when it comes
to adoption. Um Yvette just mentioned some statistics
about growing up in families without a mother and father
at home. How important it is to have that kind of thing.
I’m not a sociologist. I’m not a psychologist. I’m just
a human being but you don’t need to be wearing a white
coat to know that kids need a mom and dad. I’m a dad and
I know that I provide something different than my wife
does in our family and my wife provides something
entirely different than I do in our family and both are
c. PX0506 Protect Marriage, The Fine Line Transcript at 6
(Oct 1, 2008): “When moms are in the park taking care of
their kids they always know where those kids are. They
have like a, like a radar around them. They know where
those kids are and there’s just a, there’s a bond between
a mom and a kid different from a dad. I’m not saying
dads don’t have that bond but they don’t. It’s just
different. You know middle of the night mom will wake
up. Dad will just sleep you know if there’s a little
noise in the room. And, and when kids get scared they
run to mommy. Why? They spent 9 months in mommy. They
go back to where they came.”;
d. PX390 Video, Ron Prentice Addressing Supporters of
Proposition 8, Part I at 5:25-6:04: Prentice tells people
at a religious rally that marriage is not about love but
instead about women civilizing men: “Again, because it’s
not about two people in love, it’s about men becoming
civilized frankly, and I can tell you this from personal
experience and every man in this audience can do the same
if they’ve chosen to marry, because when you do find the
woman that you love you are compelled to listen to her,
and when the woman that I love prior to my marrying her
told me that my table manners were less than adequate I
became more civilized; when she told me that my rust
colored corduroy were never again to be worn, I became
more civilized.”;
e. PX0506 Protect Marriage, The Fine Line Transcript (Oct 1,
2008) at 15: “Skin color is morally trivial as you
pointed out but sex is fundamental to everything. There
is no difference between a white or a black human being
but there’s a big difference between a man and a woman.”;
f. PX1867 Transcript, ABC Protecting Marriage at 27:6-9: Dr
Jennifer Roback Morse states that “<t>he function of
marriage is to attach mothers and fathers to one another
and mothers and fathers to their children, especially
fathers to children.”;
g. PX0480A Video supporting Proposition 8 at 2:00-2:24:
Prentice states that “<c>hildren need the chance to have
both mother love and father love. And that moms and
dads, male and female, complement each other. They don’t
bring to a marriage and to a family the same natural set
of skills and talents and abilities. They bring to
children the blessing of both masculinity and
h. PX2403 Email from Kenyn Cureton, Vice-President, Family
Research Council, to Prentice at 3 (Aug 25, 2008):
Attached to the email is a kit to be distributed to
Christian voters through churches to help them promote
Proposition 8 which states: “Thank God for the difference
between men and women. In fact, the two genders were
meant to complete each other physically, emotionally, and
in every other way. Also, both genders are needed for a
healthy home. As Dr James Dobson notes, ‘More than ten
thousand studies have concluded that kids do best when
they are raised by mothers and fathers.’”;
i. PX1868 Transcript, Love, Power, Mind (CCN simulcast Sept
25, 2008) at 43:19-24: “Same sex marriage, it will
unravel that in a significant way and say that really
male and female, mother and father, husband and wife are
just really optional for the family, not necessary. And
that is a radically anti-human thing to say.”;
j. PX1867 Transcript, ABC Protecting Marriage at 28:18-23:
“And we know that fatherlessness has caused significant
problems for a whole generation of children and same-sex
marriage would send us more in that direction of
intentionally fatherless homes.”;
k. PX0506 Protect Marriage, The Fine Line Transcript at 5
(Oct 1, 2008): Miles McPherson states that it is a truth
“that God created the woman bride as the groom’s
compatible marriage companion.”