From the
New York Times:
Researchers report that a spinal-fluid test can be 100 percent accurate in identifying patients with significant memory loss who are on their way to developing Alzheimer’s disease.
Although there has been increasing evidence of the value of these tests in finding signs of Alzheimer’s, the study, which will appear Tuesday in the Archives of Neurology, shows how very accurate they can be.
“This is what everyone is looking for, the bull’s eye of perfect predictive accuracy,” said Dr. Steven DeKosky, dean of the University of Virginia’s medical school, who is not connected to the new research.
The study, said Dr. John Morris, a professor of neurology at Washington University, “establishes that there is a signature of Alzheimer’s and that it means something.It is very powerful.
A lot of work lies ahead, researchers say — making sure the tests are reliable if they’re used in doctors’ offices, making sure the research findings hold up in real life situations, getting doctors and patients comfortable with the notion of spinal taps, the method used to get spinal fluid. But they see a bright future.
Much more at the link. If you can't avoid being shot, it's at least better to know the gun's aiming at you and to have 911 on the speed-dial. Alzheimers is a dreadful disease because it kills that part of us which makes us unique.