And say a bunch of your neighbors decide to do the same thing. What is the worst that could happen? Washington Democrats are just Republicans in sheep’s clothing, right? A bunch of elephants who have squeezed themselves into donkey suits. If the Republicans regain control of the House (and maybe the Senate) this fall, they will have to share the blame for the fucked up economy. And this will send a powerful message to Democratic leaders.
Anger the base at your own risk, Bozos! What is the worst that could happen?
I. Another Round of Presidential Impeachment Proceedings They had a trial run back in the 1990’s. Now they know how to do it right. They will use national treasure Patrick Fitzgerald, this time, rather than pornographer/witch hunter Ken Starr. Instead of a series of Grand Jury leaks to the New York Times, we will see Fitz himself get on national television to proclaim that the
presidential crimes he has uncovered are the worst committed by a political leader ever (and that includes Nero fiddling while Rome burned). He
must be given
carte blanche to examine every aspect of Obama’s life---starting with the question of his citizenship. In order to leave no stone unturned, he will have to interogate the president over and over again, about everything from his drug use history to his sex life. If a man or (white) woman comes forward to claim that the president touched/propositioned/harassed him/her, the accuser will be given top priority---and top publicity, too, by the folks at Murdoch enterprises. The phrase “Chicago Machine” will be on every corporate media news pundits' lips. Charles Krauthammer will write about Obama’s narcissism.
This time, the GOP will not wait to do their dirty deeds. They will pounce while the economy is in deep shit, ensuring the support of millions of Americans, eager to blame someone, anyone for the economic woes.
Obama put his dick where? Oh my god! No wonder I can not find work! Obama put what up his nose? Dear Lord! Our country is doomed!Here is someone else who thinks that a GOP House majority will impeach.
(I)mpeachment talk moved yesterday from Tea Party rallies to at least one Republican Member of the House, Darrell Issa. And Issa's not an obscure backbencher; he's the ranking Republican on Oversight and Government Reform, and he also sits on the Judiciary Committee. impeachment talk moved yesterday from Tea Party rallies to at least one Republican Member of the House, Darrell Issa. And Issa's not an obscure backbencher; he's the ranking Republican on Oversight and Government Reform, and he also sits on the Judiciary Committee II. A Return to Slavery Slaves were not U.S. citizens. Even though they were born here and their parents were born here and their grandparents and so on. Therefore, they did not have a right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Right now, thousands of employers are thinking to themselves
If only I did not have to pay a minimum wage! If only there were a class of workers who have no place else to go and no OSHA protection! Senator and ex-Lewinsky panty sniffer Lindsey Graham from the former slave state of South Carolina, whose State House sometimes looks like
this Wants to repeal the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
“I'm looking at the laws that exist and see if it makes sense today,” Graham said. “Birthright citizenship doesn't make so much sense when you understand the world as it is.” have been quick to embrace Graham’s suggestion.
Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and other top Republicans quickly jumped on the issue and called for hearings. the 14th amendment gone, the U.S. Chambers of Commerce will have even more corporate money to launder for campaign contributions. Here is how.
Workers’ salaries are a huge part of business overhead. In order to fulfill the promise of supply side economics in this country, industry needs to eliminate workers’ discretionary income and replace it with a subsistance wage that allows them to keep breathing while they slave at their 16 hour a day factory jobs. How can they achieve that? Easy. Take a generation of kids----say the English speaking children of Latino immigrants. Deny them higher education. Deny them health care. In order to stay in the only home they have ever known, they will be forced to take jobs that pay shit wages, laboring in third world style sweat shops. They will buy the food and clothing they need at so called “company stores” and they will live in “company dormatories”---no one else will extend them the credit they require to get by. As their debt to their employer rises, they will find themselves forced to labor just to pay off the interest. Their underage children will be put to work to help with the payments. If they balk, they will be thrown into debtor’s prisons (They are not citizens, remember? They do not have Constitutional protections.) where they will labor for an even smaller salary.
The presence of modern day serfs will keep wages down for all U.S. workers. In non-Latinos try to complain, they will be told to shut up and pack their things. They will be encouraged to take out their anger on the easiest target---the Latino serfs. Violence against non-citizen workers will make them dependent upon their employers for protection. Soon, they will not be born in the USA. They will be “Born to Ford” or “Born to Pilgrim’s Pride” or “Born to Lockheed.”
III. The End of Social Security and MedicareYou think I am kidding? Did you read gregjones’ OP today in DU? “The Republican solution to state financial distress should be simple: The Party should insist on a change in the federal bankruptcy law providing for a procedure for state bankruptcy (none now exists). This process must call for abrogation (means=to end) of all state and local public employee union contracts as is usually done in private sector bankruptcies. By freeing states and local governments (including school boards) of their union obligations on wages, work rules, staffing, and pensions, they have a chance to survive and, indeed, to prosper.”
Dick Morris
Dick Morris is an idiot and a horse’s ass. But he is a solidly
Republican idiot and horse’s ass. If he says that the nation should bankrupt city and state governments so that they will be forced to declare bankruptcy---at which point all union contracts and pension funds will disappear---he is saying what his corporate masters want to hear.
You don’t work for the state, you say? And your kids are too old to go to public school? How about Medicare? Does your mother rely on Medicare? Can she do without her pacemaker? What about the Social Security check you were counting on to help you in your retirement years, now that the banksters have destroyed your 401k? Do you think your health will allow you to work until you are 80 or 90?
If a Republican controlled Congress passes legislation to allow governments to go bankrupt, then they can force the federal government into bankrupcty. In the name of balancing the budget. Since Congress controls the purse strings, it will decide which government programs are maintained and which get the axe---and which are turned over to private contractors. Healthy elderly will get pushed onto so called Advantage plans. Unhealthy elderly will be told to go to their local charity hospital---but wait! Local government bankruptcies will have destroyed the nation’s system of indigent health care. I guess the elderly will have to go to Mexico to see a doctor.
IV. Beachfront Property…in Tennessee Guess who will be back in the saddle again if the GOP takes over the house? I will give you one hint. Which privately owned company is bankrolling the Tea Parties? Remember this old journal of mine? Industries---oil---is behind all those Obama as Joker signs.
The oil industry knows that its days are numbered, and it plans to take the rest of us with them. Forget about clean, renewable energy. The folks at Kochs---and Chevron and in Saudi Arabia---want us to “Burn, Baby Burn” fossil fuels even if it means melting the polar ice caps---
They even have plans to drill for oil in the Arctic, once all the ice has gone.
The GOP does not want us to know that they are in Big Oil’s pocket. When Rep. Barton apologized to BP for all the fuss we were making over a little spilled oil, Republican leaders were quick to stick a sock in his mouth---probably the same one they used to silence watermelon shooting Dan Burton back in the 1990s. However, Barton would not have said what he said if he did not believe that his fellow Republicans (secretly) had his back. If you live in the Gulf region and you are counting upon some kind of financial compensation for your losses, you had better
pray that Congress does not turn Republican this fall. Otherwise, you will be paying BP to help shore up its profits.
V. Can We Learn from History, Pretty Please? Yeah, I know that it is un-American to learn from your mistakes. A rugged individualist holds onto his beliefs until the bitter end and beyond. We are the country which said “No” to a political candidate (Gore) because he was too damn smart to trust. But still---
At the urging of tobacco/alcohol/gambling lobbyist Grover Norquist (who never met a federal government too large to be drowned in a bathtub), Ralph Nader encouraged us to cast “protest votes” back in 2000. Folks like Michael Moore and Tim Robbins helped get the word out. They told us that Gore was the same as Bush, and that it would not make any difference which side won.
Two quagmires, one recession/depression and a gazillion civil rights violations later how many people
still think that way?
Come on, tell me that losing control of Congress is not the same as losing control of the White House. Tell me that Obama will have our backs (even though many of us do not have his). Let’s hear about how a Boehner House won’t be any different from a Pelosi House.
In an interview with the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review published yesterday, House Minority Leader John Boehner said that he would ensure that there’s enough money to pay for the war by increasing the Social Security retirement age to 70 for people who have at least 20 years until retirement, tying cost-of-living increases to the consumer price index rather than wage inflation, and limiting payments to those who need them. have been warned.