Besides costing them their beloved hard-earned cash, conservatives hate taxes because they may actually be used to help other people. They’d prefer using tax dollars to keep people in line or incarcerated.

Conservatives fail to understand, or more likely have never heard nor read, the words of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.:
“Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society.”
Who hasn’t heard a Republican or Libertarian or Independent or other cheapskate who can’t stand the idea of people they don’t know getting something for free, like health care? They call that “socialism.”
Such skinflints also consider children from a far-off neighborhood who attend a public school to be undeserving of tax support. After all, the conservative doesn't care because they don’t have a child enrolled there. To them, public schools also must be socialism.
Then there’s welfare and unemployment compensation, which is basically the same thing in the conservative mind. Lazy people who’d rather collect a check than work a job. Maybe it’s poor people who are lazy because it’s in their nature or where they fall in the “Bell Curve.” Again, any government help is socialism.
What hypocrites. The conservatives fail to recognize the people they help are the ones who built America. They also protect America – and their own pimply backsides – during times like World War II and the Depression and Korea and Vietnam-Iraq-Afghanistan-Iraq and all other continually connected dots and whatever other wars large and small they can dream up for power and profit.
Hey, Mr. White Collar Conservative! When Wall Street and Big Business need bailouts, is that socialism? When certain industries grow fat from taxpayer dollars, is that socialism? Probably not, even though the costs and risks are taken on by We the People, the profits are privatized for the Have-Mores.
The conservative mind does appreciate that Americans are entitled to make money from trading, er, doing business with the government, whether it’s the health care business of life or the death business of war. And those are about the only sectors of the economy that are growing and this is where the conservative forgets all fiscal restraint and all of Grover Norquist's small-government nonsense.
War seems to be the favorite form for conservative investment and government policy. And they've done all they can to make sure both work in tandem, through policy and big jobs for politicians and lobbyists alike.
The conservative certainly has no problem with money being spent for war. Think of Carlyle Group and Trireme Partnerships and a whole lot more gold plated funeral barges of capital. They gladly invest in companies from Halliburton to SAI to Dyncorp to General Dynamics and wherever they can to make a buck whenever “national security” is in the news.
That is the worst part of many conservatives' make-up. The word for such a person is warmonger.