I like my clouds and drizzle.
Glad you're not overheating down there. I remember how that was - miserable.
Very busy at work and about to head into my busiest time of year - feel a bit underwater , but that's the norm for August.
I'll have to look up that interview - sounds like he's on track.
Some more interesting points about that audit buried in the WAPO article on it (which Hannah Bell and cepr are right to term a tactic in a campaign):
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/08/03/AR2010080306638.htmlSocial Security Commissioner Michael J. Astrue called the audit "fatally and hopelessly flawed," and said auditors improperly compared payroll data with SSA data.
"It relies on anecdotes and it inflammatorily characterized the situations it found," Astrue said in an interview. The audit provides little proof of whether the payments were improper or fraudulent and are small examples of fraud, he said. The Justice Department has declined to prosecute at least five of the 20 cases the GAO reviewed, because the payments in question fall below the threshold for prosecution, the SSA commissioner said.
The audit, conducted at the request of Sens. Thomas R. Carper (D-Del.), Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.), is set for release Wednesday at a Senate subcommittee hearing on Social Security disability fraud. Astrue is scheduled to testify.