Mostly, I'm tired of pretending or "looking the other way".
The Tea Party is about HATE, pure and simple. They may occasionally appear to address legitimate concerns, but that is just window dressing: they are out to destroy this President and anyone or anything else that stands in the way of the corporate plutocracy that is using them.
Why waste time pretending they are something else; something arguably acceptable to the American conscience?
Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, Joe Wilson, John McCain, Rand Paul and---too damn many others to name---are WHORES. Not in the sexual sense, of course. "Traditonal" whores have way too much integrity to be included in this group. They only sell their bodies, not their souls. And, while "ladies of the evening" may pervert and degrade the notions of love and fidelity, the polical whores pervert and degrade our democracy and our notions of justice.
Why pretend that these clap-carriers are just political opponents who have a different governing philosophy? They don't want to govern: they want to rule.
And, we ARE continuing many of the practices initiated by Bush that many here condemned as "unconstitutional", "fascist" and "criminal" when THEY did them.
Not mentioning them doesn't end or excuse them.
Some of our "Democrats" are Republicans. I'm not going to name names, but I am NOT including those who simply don't meet some standard of "liberalness". I am referring to those who openly and repeatedly oppose the Democratic Party on "headline" issues, such as health care, financial reform and SCOTUS nominees.
The "D" after their names could stand for "Deceit", except that they aren't really deceiving anyone.
And, while we're discussing our party, it has always stood for certain set of biases. We are biased in favor of "the common man"; the people who produce things and without whose labor and skill our economy would wither and die. We are biased against privilege and unearned wealth. We are biased in favor of those who daily battle prejudice and poverty and greed to chase their dream of a better life. We'd rather be lovers than fighters. We'd rather be happy than rich. We'd rather let every individual decide who they love and what, if anything, they believe is divine.
And, I'm sorry, but those who have really serious disagreements with the above---just ain't Democrats.