,0,6615378.columnBut Republicans have put themselves into a position that disallows compromise. This has devolved into a competition in Republican primaries over who is tougher against illegal immigrants, which we are seeing play out in the governor's race between Rick Scott and Bill McCollum.
Any hesitancy over tactics is interpreted as a sign of weakness. I'm just waiting for a political candidate to call for Claymore land mines on the Mexican border. Well, they wouldn't get blowed up if they just stayed put!In light of this, even those Republicans who know better are keeping quiet on the 14th Amendment. And now party leaders are calling for hearings on the issue without committing to taking any action. That is because nobody actually believes anything will come of this.
It's like the proposal for an amendment banning gay marriage. It gets dragged out and then put away, depending on the needs of that election cycle. But there is a difference. Gays never have been invited under the Republican tent, so losing their vote isn't of concern.
They can argue all they want that this is directed at law-breaking behavior and not Hispanics. But a growing number of Hispanics don't see it that way, and perception is reality in the voting booth. Attacking the 14th Amendment takes us closer to the tipping point at which Hispanics abandon the Republican Party and never look back.