August 5 9:49 am
By Art Levine
On Wednesday, President Obama used the platform of the AFL-CIO Executive Council to emphasize reviving American manufacturing and keeping jobs in America as his administration's new economic priority. After having failed to aggressively push for large-scale jobs creation in the face of Washington's deficit mania, Obama has unveiled new economic promises to appeal to the labor constituency he needs for the 2010 and 2012 elections.
He even insisted that his administration would "keep on fighting" for the Employee Free Choice Act—although it's been perfectly obvious to most sentient beings that his administration did virtually nothing to promote one of labor's top legislative priorities. A few progressive bloggers attacked the hypocrisy of the comments, such as Firedoglake's Michael Whitney:
For Obama to even mention the Employee Free Choice Act as anything but a deader-than-dead failure of his administration is an insult to the intelligence of every working person in America. Obama had the opportunity to push through the Employee Free Choice Act between February and April 2009. He let it linger, then let Democrats start sniping at it, and then the ship sailed with Scott Brown's election.
Still, his broader economic message was welcomed by labor, despite the disappointment that labor has periodically expressed over centrist compromises over health reform and inaction on the Employee Free Choice Act.
"The message I want to deliver to our
competitors—and to those in Washington who've tried to block our progress at every step of the way—is that we are going to rebuild this economy stronger than before, and at the heart of it are going to be three powerful words: Made in America," Obama said to union leaders' applause.
As the AFL-CIO Now blog noted, the president made clear how this upcoming election would be a choice between "polices that encourage job creation here in America or encourage jobs to go elsewhere...The choice is whether we want to go forward or we want to go backwards to the same policies that got us into this mess in the first place."
FULL story at link.