The Republicans claim gay marriage will destroy traditional marriage. I believe it will, and here's how.
Envision a quiet neighborhood in Middle America. Suddenly the Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage, and the whole neighborhood is on edge. OMG the ladies say, that gay marriage is going to destroy our fine traditional, Godly marriages.
Then our evil Godless government announces: The Fair Housing Act applies to gay families too. So...a gay family buys a nice house in this quiet neighborhood.
It's moving day for the Gay family. A Mayflower van shows up, and in it is the one thing that makes every gay family different from every straight family: they've got a grill big enough to roast a water buffalo in.
The men of the neighborhood are intrigued. They start talking to the owners of this magical device, who turn out to be really good guys, and monogamous. "Hey!" says John Gay. "Frank and I are going to have a cookout on Saturday. Why don't you all come over and bring your families? Bring a covered dish, and we'll make ribs." All the men make plans to attend, just to see the Biggest Grill on Earth in action. The women will not come over as they are all good Christians who know if their husbands go there the magical Gay Virus (that doesn't actually exist, although Glen Beck and Sarah Palin think it does) will turn them all homosexual.
The weeks pass and every man in the neighborhood is drawn, magnet-like, to the Gay backyard. No one's turning any gayer, because gayness is inherited, but they spend all their nights on the Gay patio flipping burgers and drinking John and Frank's homebrew.
Six months later every man in the neighborhood is sleeping with other men...not because they're gay, but because they start crashing on John and Frank's living room floor after a hard night of burger flipping and homebrew drinking. All the wives leave.
So...if we want to defend "traditional" marriage from the ravages of "gay" marriage, forget about banning gay marriage and get rid of those monster grills. That's what's gonna do it.