Him: I can not contain my anger any longer regarding the alien who is in the White House. He is a bonafide freak who if allowed his way will reduce our already dwindling standard of living to something bordering on serf-like socialist subsistence provided via our benevolent alien-in-chief. Fuck him. What I had to hear about Bush for 8+ years and now compare the treatment of Obama -- or rather the non-acknowledgement of responsibility along with the outrageous hypocrisy of his supporters is truly sickening.
Me: I too am disappointed in Obama. Some of us were hoping for REAL CHANGE, but what we got was basically a centrist Democrat whose efforts at bipartisanship garnered nothing from the other side of the aisle except obstructionism, ridiculous claims of "socialism" and "death panels" for granny, and almost no shift in field position after the goalposts have been steadily moved to the right over the past few decades. Although health care reform managed to right some of the worst wrongs (eliminating pre-existing conditions & dropped coverage) and will eventually achieve nearly universal health insurance, we didn't get even a watered-down puiblic option to break the grip of private insurance corporations that skim a big chunk off the top, whereas most industrialized countries enjoy better coverage & health for less cost. Meanwhile, the enormous gap between the richest few per cent and everybody else (including the declining middle class) continues to grow along with the federal deficit, yet Obama has, overall, lowered taxes instead of raised the top bracket to anytjhing even remotely approaching the rates that applied when Eisenhower was president. We are indeed moving towards "serfdom" with a relative handful of lords, in no small part due to the influence of the true elites of wealth & power who (with media oulets like Fox News and rightwing talk radio) have managed to convince a lot of useful idiots like the teabaggers to carry water for the wealthy while protesting against their own best interests. And rather than getting out of GW's military misadventures, Obama has doubled-down on the Afghanistan conflict that might have been winnable in the early going if Bush hadn't squandered the gains and diverted attention and resources to his thoroughly fucked up invasion of a country that had neither WMD nor anything to do with 9/11. Now we've got this gusher in the Gulf, and while it's true that the industry cronies in the Minerals Management Service who greased their palms rather than enforce safe drilling practices are holdovers from the Bush administration, Obama has had a year and a half to replace those corrupt officials with public servants to enforce the regulations and oversight that anyone with half a brain can clearly see is absolutely necessary to prevent major disasters to our environment as well as to our economy (as in the 2008 Housing Market economic collapse). How many disasters will it take before people understand that private corporations will not police themselves, and that strong -- and honest -- oversight from our federal government is required to safeguard our capitalistic economic system and the livelihoods of citizens? Are those the complaints you had in mind when you expressed your anger at the "alien freak" in the White House?