from the Toronto Star:
* Why is his government replacing Canada’s mandatory detailed census form with a voluntary survey that will cost taxpayers $30 million more and provide lower-quality information to hundreds of thousands of users? Does he share Industry Minister Tony Clement’s view that Canadians who want statistically accurate data can gather it themselves?
* Why is it embarking on a review of Ottawa’s 24-year-old commitment to boost minority participation in the public service, after one aggrieved Caucasian job applicant complained to the local media?
* Why is it spending billions on new prison facilities, when the police reported crime dropped by 3 per cent last year and it now stands at a 25-year low? Does he share Treasury Board Stockwell Day’s view that “people simply aren’t reporting (crime) the way they used to?”* Why did it award a $9 billion contract for 65 new fighter jets (with a $7 billion to $8 billion maintenance contract to follow) without a competitive bidding process? ............(more)
The complete piece is at: