The show evidently consists of taking a high school kid and remaking him or her into something that the kid normally wouldn't or couldn't do. In this episode Mikey Ramos, an openly gay sophomore, decides he wants to be a baseball player. The sad part was why he did it. He was estranged from his dad and felt being a baseball player would improve the relationship. His dad was a college baseball player and they had nothing in common. The kid tried his best but had no apparent talent nor interest in baseball. It reminded me a lot of me at his age. I loved my dad and knew he loved me but I also knew that when he looked at my athletic brother he saw himself and when he looked at me he saw his gay, brainy brother. I hope this experience helped them both as he made the effort. I will say they picked their coach for Mikey well. Jeremy Tyson seemed very good with kids and very intutive of the relationship problems that Mikey and his dad had.