To see the ad, and the bullshit that accompanies it... to find a way to post the ad without forcing you to give this site any more hits...
At first the MTA refused to allow this piece of crap to be on the buses...but the SIOA/Pamela Geller -who sponsored the ad- said they would sue, and the MTA caved. The MTA would not allow "pornography", but THIS they allow...THIS is considered "Freedom of Speech"?
This is more pornographic than any sexually explicit ad I have ever seen.
Heard this on the radio this AM. No link yet.
I am horrified at this decision.
EDIT: Story link"Pamela Geller is a Zionist Anne Coulter"
Of course she is an admirer of Ayn Rand.
So who's next? I nominate Pamela Geller as the next Newsmax columnist most likely to have a claim quietly retracted.
Newsmax officially added Geller as a columnist in August. Her bio claims that at her regular blog, Atlas Shrugs, she is "bringing you the news you will not hear from the mainstream media, covering little-reported events of great import." But of course, there's no attention given to the wacky extremist views she holds.
Geller -- a former associate publisher of the New York Observer formerly married to a New York car dealer that owned a dealership linked not only to an alleged fraud scam but the killing of two police officers (the dealership is listed as partly owned by Geller, who has denied any knowledge of or involvement in the alleged scam) -- is rabidly anti-Obama, anti-Islam and pro-birther. She has also had dalliances with European fascists and promoted the far-right British National Party. (Geller doesn't think these folks are "neofascist," apparently feeling that their anti-Islamic activism excuses their political leanings.) Geller's Newsmax columns reflect these views.
Indeed, Geller -- who once notoriously published a video blog of herself in a bikini -- is one pretty hate machine. In just a few short months, she has hurled vicious attacks at President Obama, embraced birtherism, and blown far out of proportion the case of an Ohio teen who claims her Muslim parents want to kill her for converting to Christianity, making baseless claims and ignoring inconvenient facts.