By Peter Frost, pfrost@dailypress.com | 247-4744 4:20 p.m. EDT, August 9, 2010
Aggressive cost-cutting moves by the Pentagon could free up more money for the strapped Navy shipbuilding budget, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said today.
Gates announced that the Pentagon will seek immediate steps to start eliminating redundancy and duplication in the Defense Department, with those savings funneled back into the military's core activities.
As part of the cuts, Gates announced he was seeking to eliminate the Norfolk-based Joint Forces Command, a military command that employs more than 3,000 military and civilian workers in Hampton Roads, as well as more than 3,000 contractors.
While the local yard has long-term contracts in place that all but guarantee a steady stream of nuclear-powered submarines and aircraft carriers over the next several decades, a new major sub-building program that Northrop may play a role in building has yet to be funded.
The Navy's desire to replace its ballistic-missile submarines, which analysts say most likely will be built in a partnership between Northrop and General Dynamics Electric Boat, will cost the Navy an estimated $7 billion per copy, an amount that would severely strain the sea service's relatively static shipbuilding budget.
unhappycamper comment: $5 billion dollar destroyers. $40 billion dollar aircraft carriers. $7 billion dollar submarines. Plus occupation costs.
At some point the money spigot will be turned off.
How many more city lights can we turn off to keep this money machine going? How many more roads can we unpave to achieve 'victory' in the Stan?