is born of desperation; it is incubated and nurtured by ignorance and neglect. It’s fathered by the unfeeling and uncaring, the safe and secure. Its mother is the destitute and hungry, the needy, those too easily cast off from society as mere statistics. It is a genie that once released from its bottle will summon up all the forces of hell to seek vengeance upon guilty and innocent alike.
"If a modern state is to rest upon a firm foundation its citizens must not be allowed to starve. Some of them do. They do not die quickly. You can starve for a long time without dying." Leader of Children's Bureau of Philadelphia, 1931
The latest, greatest, phony, faked, fraudulent unemployment numbers were released on Friday. These official lies claim 479,000 new Americans must begin their own personal descent through Dante’s Inferno to the level of hell called unemployment in America. Then, after 99 weeks, to disappear, to no longer be a concern of our government, to cease to be a social problem but to become a legal one instead.
The National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys has reported to the Los Angeles Times numerous cases of clients showing up at their offices saying, 'If you don't help me, I've got a gun in my car,'" or threatening to take poison. Murder-suicide rates are soaring all over the country and the media take little note of it. During the 1930s most newspapers were owned by safe, sedate, comfortable Republican families who weren’t about to give press ink to troublemakers, anarchists, Liberals or Communists with their pissy little hunger and homelessness problems. In their view they were just trying to make Mr. Hoover look bad.
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