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08:42 AM CDT on Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Increase the exemption
To the editorialist commenting on Aug. 7: It is obvious you aren’t on a fixed income.
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Letters to the editor
P.O. Box 369
Denton, TX 76202 We meemaws and peepaws have paid plenty of taxes in our 50 or so years of adulthood and are still paying taxes to the schools after our children are already educated, so give us a break.
Cutting overtime is always a first save in the business world.
Many times, it is more cost-effective to hire another employee than pay time-and-a-half or double time for work that needs to be done.
And what’s this bit about seniors getting a cost-of-living increase? We didn’t get one this year and with the economy the way it is probably won’t get one next year, plus, Obama-care will most likely increase our medical deduction.
My retirement is not comfortable. I get by. Luxury spending is out. I am not totally with the City Council on much of its issues, but this is right.
George Davis,
Shades of McCarthy
Ray Roberts says, “more than 80 members of Congress … are… socialists, communists or socialist sympathizers.”
In the first place, communism is a failed economic system. The Russians and Chinese don’t even admit to being communist any more. Do you really think a congressman would?
Get real.
Second, we have heard this garbage before, from Joe McCarthy on Feb. 9, 1950, at Wheeling, W.Va.
McCarthy told his audience that he had a list of 205 members of the State Department who were “card-carrying members of the Communist Party.”
When reporters rushed up to him after the speech and asked to see the list, McCarthy said no.
They asked, “How many did you say?”
McCarthy answered, “One hundred and ten.”
Every time a reporter asked the number, McCarthy cut the amount back.
There never was a list. McCarthy was just a lying drunk.
His right-hand man, Roy Cohn, was a closeted homosexual who said President Eisenhower and the U.S. Army were all pinkos because they wouldn’t allow the male object of his affections into officer’s candidate school.
Cohn died of AIDS and McCarthy died of scoliosis of the liver.
Ray Roberts doesn’t have a list either.
He just calls every one a socialist who believes in Social Security, Medicare or any program that prevents poor children from going hungry.
Michael S. Dana,
Who are the desirables?
One of my best friends resides outside of Atlanta in a rather upscale lakeside community. These are “just” weekend-type homes ranging from $500,000 to $1 million. It is my friend’s primary home, but many on his street are there only on weekends, holidays or vacations.
Georgia being the red state that it is, this street is home to many who hold “family values” near and dear.
My friend and I were discussing the evil spewing that comes from the right in the direction of immigrants. It seems that most of the residents of this well-heeled street spend the weekends boozing and shooting up, and they spend Sundays in an oblivious state.
When my friend leaves for church Sunday morning there is no sign of life stirring as most are too wrecked from the days and nights before to do otherwise. Again, these are Grand Old Party members of dignity and “family values.”
On the drive to church, my friend says there are countless families of immigrants dressed in their Sunday best walking as families to their places of worship. The children are often holding hands and following behind their parents in a most respectful manner. He says there is no doubt that this is evidence of the values they hold and respect.
Now, you tell me who should be deported and who should be recognized for the values they hold dear.