when it first became available on Amazon, but have not had the will/intestinal fortitude to read it yet.
You can see the hate Jane Hamsher for joining with Norquist in calling out Rahm's shenanigans at Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae crowd shows up every time her name is mentioned, spouting the same inanities. It is almost as if Rahm is on this board with his little mates, pouncing out with insults over something they would rather be kept hidden:
Most recent news about that ill-fated government arm that Rahm ran for a while is thus;
Freddie Mac reports loss, seeks another $1.8 billion in taxpayer bailout
By Mark Trumbull, Staff writer / August 9, 2010
The mortgage-finance company Freddie Mac reported a $4.7 billion net loss for the second quarter Monday, due to a rise in home loans that ended in default.
The report, following a similar loss at sister company Fannie Mae last week, underscores that the US housing market remains a central trouble spot in the economy. Because these government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) sit at the heart of the housing market, it also means the taxpayer tab is rising for keeping these firms afloat.
In reporting the loss, Freddie Mac also said that the Federal Housing Finance Agency will ask for $1.8 billion in additional Treasury funds to support the firm. The FHFA has held Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in a conservatorship, to keep them from failing, since they collapsed during the 2008 financial crisis...
...His statement and the losses to taxpayers come as Congress is about to take up the question of so-called GSE reform, or what to do with Fannie and Freddie in the long term. The Obama administration has scheduled a public conference on the topic on Aug. 17.
http://www.csmonitor.com/Money/2010/0809/Freddie-Mac-reports-loss-seeks-another-1.8-billion-in-taxpayer-bailoutJane Hamsher, Grover Norquist Call for Rahm Emanuel’s Resignation
"We write to demand an immediate investigation into the activities of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. We believe there is an abundant public record which establishes that the actions of the White House have blocked any investigation into his activities while on the board of Freddie Mac from 2000-2001, and facilitated the cover up of potential malfeasance until the 10-year statute of limitations has run out.
Since that time, despite multiple warnings by Congress that having no independent Inspector General for a federal agency that oversees $6 trillion in mortgages is a serious oversight, the White House has not appointed one...
...We recognize that these are extremely serious accusations, but the stonewalling by Mr. Emanuel and the White House has left us with no other redress. A 2003 report by Freddie Mac’s regulator indicated that Freddie Mac executives had informed the board of their intention to misstate the earnings to insure their own bonuses during the time Mr. Emanuel was a director. But the White House refused to comply with a Freedom of Information Act request from the Chicago Tribune for those board minutes on the grounds that Freddie Mac was a “commercial” entity, even though it was wholly owned by the government at the time the request was made.
If the Treasury approves the $800 billion commitment to Fannie and Freddie by the end of the year, it will mean that under the influence of Rahm Emanuel, the White House is moving a trillion-dollar slush fund into corruption-riddled companies with no oversight in place. This will allow Fannie and Freddie to continue to purchase more toxic assets from banks, acting as a back-door increase of the TARP without congressional approval..."
http://firedoglake.com/2009/12/23/jane-hamsher-grover-norquist-call-for-rahm-emmanuel%E2%80%99s-resignation/So, what do the insulting ones have to say to the underlying allegations and the resultant behaviors? Transparency? Honesty? A government/change we can believe in?
I don't expect any responses to this other than insults as no one that does so has ever dilineated why they feel what Hamsher and Norquist said is untrue. They never discuss the issue, they only spew the hatreds. I had to go and find out about the underlying story to this as I had occasionally read and followed her and others on FDL, especially Marcy Wheeler. Maybe this is Gibbs' shot at Jane for sponsoring
http://firedoglake.com/justsaynowThat makes sense in light of the not too subtle drug reference in Gibbs' statements.
Hands off my Social Security!
Hands off Latin America!