Subject: Stopping Social Security Cuts
This Fall, Congress could vote on Social Security cuts proposed by the conservative-leaning Fiscal Commission. Republicans - and some Democrats - are already saying they want to cut benefits by raising the retirement age. We need to act now, before the election, to make sure we keep cuts off the table.
I signed a promise to oppose Social Security cuts . We need to send a crystal clear message to Congress - can you join me?!
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First of all, the 'urgency' with which this matter is being sold to Americans is scaremongering. Secondly, there is no reason to cut benefits. Those retirees with higher incomes should be unable to collect SS and those with higher pre-retirement incomes should (well beyond the $160K cap now in force) be required to pay into it.
If you want to cut, cut Capitol Hill salaries and benefits and cut defense spending. Cutting more support from the people in this country who can afford those cuts the least is not going to help the budget or the economy, short or long-term. A person doesn't need to be a rocket scientist or an economist to see why that's true.
Who do the Republicans and the "Cat Food Commission" think they're fooling?
It's really unmotivating to see that Barack Obama, a man we all supported vehemently to save our social security benefits, has appointed rabid opponents of the program who've been trying every trick in the book for years to get rid of it - to the 'Cat Food Commission'.
And Robert Gibbs wonders why we're miffed? I think it's justified, I'm sorry to say. If President Obama listens to or enacts the recommendations of this anti-SS commission without finding the facts for himself along with the Democrats and those who support the program, and without considering what he's doing to this country and its hardest and longest working people in it - and what he's doing to this economy both short and long-term, he doesn't deserve re-election and he won't get the votes.
He had darn well better look somewhere else to cut - like defense. We do not need to be spending more than the rest of the world combined on WAR - particularly unjustified and ill-conceived ones launched under false pretenses. STOP it!
You all are fooling NO ONE with this garbage and you won't get our votes if you pander to it.