The Secular Coalition for America lauded a House resolution (H. Res. 1593) supporting fact-based social studies curricula in public schools, introduced by Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) in response to the social studies curriculum established by the Texas State Board of Education, one which imposes a theocratic slant on the teaching of American history and other subjects.The Secular Coalition for America advocates for separation of church and state and is the national lobbying organization representing the interests of Secular Americans - atheists, agnostics, humanists, and other nontheists - in our nation's capital.
"If the United States is to embrace national educational standards, the teaching of our biological, national, and philosophical origins must be based in fact, never religious bias," said Sean Faircloth, Executive Director of the Secular Coalition for America. "The imposition of theocratic bias by the Texas Board of Education underscores the need for any national educational standards to apply equally.. Right now standards apply to English and math, but fail to encompass social studies and science as well-the two areas most vulnerable to theocratic meddling"
Hey, look! A voice of reason!