Another episode of Random Book Blogging, again from Chuck Pierce's "The Future War of the Church: How We Can Defeat Lawlessness and Bring God's Order to the Earth" as Pierce explains how he, Dutch Sheets, and a group of prophetic intercessors helped capture Saddam Hussein.
"Members of the local pastoral leadership and the national military agreed with the prophetic decree. Pastor Darrell Feemster declared that the Fourth Infantry Division from San Antonino would be blessed to bring down the spirit of Babylon and to raise up a Christian nation in Iraq. Greg Jackson, a representative of the military, proclaimed "As a witness to this prophetic word in this house, as a representative of the Armed Forces in the state of Texas, I declare in the name of the Lord, it shall be!"
A roar went up from the crowd. That roar entered the atmosphere and, I believe, traveled by the Spirit of God all the way to Iraq ... Troops from the Fourth Infantry went in and found Saddam Hussein three days later! ", basically...
Pray for Iraq to become a Christian Nation
Saddam happens to be captured half a week after you made this prayer
Therefore, your prayers MUST have been answered
Never mind that Iraq's current constitution says that it is an Islamic nation, there has been a massive exodus of Iraqi Christians to neighboring countries, and there are assassinations of Iraqi Christians in the free Iraq, something which did not happen under Saddam.
These people vote by the way. Just putting that out there.